A Cuba.rb based demo application with user authentication using the U2F protocol, as implemented by ruby-u2f.
A complete blog post about this demo and U2F is available on my blog: U2F demo.
Install all required gems (in case you have dep installed):
dep install
or install them manually:
gem install $(awk '{print $1}' .gems | tr '\n' ' ')
Install the Chrome extension: FIDO U2F (Universal 2nd Factor) extension
Fire up a Redis server:
redis-server &
and then start the Rack server:
rackup config.ru
Go to http://localhost:9292.
You can create new users, login, add keys and are prompted for these keys when authenticating again.
Yes, even this little thing has a license. It's available under the conditions of the MIT license, see LICENSE for the full text.