Access to most Web APIs (e.g Facebook, Instagram) are rate-limited. Which means your client app can access the service only so many times within a given period. Accessing more than maximum allowed number of requests can result termination of your app's access to the service and/or break your client app.
Develop a library that keeps track of rate limits, pause access to the API when rate limit is reached and resume when necessary. The library can start and manage multiple clients with different access tokens to the same service. In that case we switch between workers as they reach their respective limits.
defmodule InstagramWorker do
use Ratex.RateWorker,
rate_limit: 250, # 250 api requests
rate_seconds: 3600 # per hour
# override work/2 to handle work sent by the client manager
# must result a Ratex.WorkerResult struct
def work(payload, worker_state)do
token = worker_state.token
# use token to get result from instagram service
{:ok, Ratex.WorkerResult{...}}
def on_init(options) do
# do additional initialization for the worker
# and return a map
%{options: options, token: options[:token]}
defmodule InstagramClient do
use Ratex.RateManager,
pool_name: :ig_client,
worker_module: InstagramWorker
iex> InstagramClient.instance()
iex> data = "instagram"
iex> key = "username"
iex> InstagramClient.add_item({key, data})
iex> InstagramClient.add_worker(%{token: <<Instagram token>>})
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding ratex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ratex, "~> 0.1.0"}
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