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  • Project has been deployed on Heroku. Please have a look
  • heroku branch has been used for deployment
  • No CORS and hardcoded urls in heroku branch

The project serves as a test for Job Application for the position of Software Developer at Terribly Tiny Tales.

This document will serve as a guide to get better understanding of different components of the project. The document contains explanations of components of code, as well as some personal notes from my side. The notes are a version of my thought process at the time of coding a particular component and the reason behind it.


  1. The aim of the project was to create a fronted that accepts a number input N
  2. On click of submit button, a request is to be sent to the backend. The request will contain the user input N
  3. At backend, fetch a file hosted at
  4. The backed will process this file and return the top N most frequently used words in the file
  5. Finally, the backend will display these words in a serialized tabular format

The project can be divided into two parts: Backend and Frontend. Both of these will be explained in detail.


  • Framework: ExpressJs

  • Backend code is in the file named, server.js.

  • Start the backend server: node server.js

  • Run node server.js on CLI to run the backend node server. The server will run on http://localhost:8000/ and application will listen for requests on port 8000.

  • Once the app receives a get request from frontend on api/words/:userInput, it'll call the readTextFile function.

  • readTextFile function will utilize node-fetch to fetch the text file hosted at ( The text will be extracted from the response and the text body will be fed to another function textToWords.

  • textToWords is basically the first step in our process of frequency computation of words. The input to this function is a text which contains different types of spacing characters (single space, tab\t, next line character\n), various symbols (@, :, _, ? etc.) and punctuations(., , , " etc.) and also numbers that we don't need. The idea is to remove all these from the text and store just the words in an array which can be used for frequency computation of words. split helps us with this.


At first, I tried by splitting the text at some of these characters, but to do that for each and every character didn't seem like an efficient process. So, to find a better way I googled, and discovered with the help of stackoverflow that split command can work upon a regex. This made the process of splitting text over different characters an easy task.

  • The text is split on this regex /[.,@:_;?\/\(\)\t\n"<>0-9– ]/ and the result is saved in words array.


Initially, I included hyphen(-) in the regex, but that caused an issue. If we include - in the regex then the words like, t-shirts and e-commerce will split into t shirts and e commerce respectively. Now, the words array will have shirts and commerce elements which qualify as words but also t and e which do not qualify as words in my opinion. Also, my opinion was that words like, t-shirts and e-commerce are words in their own right, so there is no need to split these. For this reason, I excluded - from the regex. But this caused another problem, in the text there are words like, terribly-tiny-tales and terribly-tiny-test that are combination of multiple words, and in my opinion should be split.

  • To tackle the above issue, I wrote a separate function hyphenSplit. This function will check if the words in the array contain -, and if the - is in the first position (t-shirts, e-commerce); if the - is not at the first position then the word will be split over - otherwise not. The pros of this is that now we can save words like t-shirts and split words like, terribly-tiny-test. The cons is that if the text contains a word like co-passenger, it'll be split in co and passenger.


The final decision to implement this will be based upon the developer's discretion, and he or she can use it or not by commenting out or uncommenting the words = hyphenSplit(words) command in the textToWords function.

I've decided to use this function.

  • After the text is split and the result saved to words array, the array is served as an input to frequency computation function. I wrote two such functions which differ slightly.

    1. simpleFrequencyComputation: This is for absolute match. Example, word tale is present in tale as well as in tales. This will only match with tale.

    2. frequencyComputation: This will perform absolute match for single letter words like a and i. But for words with length greater than 1, this function will perform an includes match. Example, word a is present in word a, tale, tales, talented, but it'll match with a only. Thus, frequency of a will be 1. Now, if word in consideration is tale, in this function it'll match with tale, tales and talented, giving it's frequency as 3 and not 1 as was the case with simpleFrequencyComputation.

  • Both these functions, simpleFrequencyComputation and FrequencyComputation have some common traits:

    1. Both check for empty elements "" that are present in the words array due to split, and both check if a word's frequency has been computed already.

    2. Both send the final frequencyArray for sorting in descending order on the basis of frequency.


This is again on developer's discretion which type of Frequency Computation, he or she wants.

  • The following are the screenshots of the results displayed on frontend:

simpleFrequencyComputation with hyphenSplit. Word i has the highest frequency:

simpleFrequencyComputation with hyphenSplit

frequencyComputation with hyphenSplit. Word in has the highest frequency:

frequencyComputation with hyphenSplit

simpleFrequencyComputation without hyphenSplit. terribly-tiny-test is present as a single word:

simpleFrequencyComputation without hyphenSplit

frequencyComputation without hyphenSplit. terribly-tiny-test is not present as a single word:

frequencyComputation without hyphenSplit


  • master branch: CORS has been implemented in server.js to enable Cross Origin Resource Sharing.
  • heroku branch: No need for CORS


  • Framework: AngularJS

  • This project was generated with Angular CLI version 6.0.5.

  • src/app/ folder is where all frontend components and services are present

  • Run ng serve --open on CLI for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

  • Run ng generate component component-name on CLI to generate a new component.

  • Run ng generate service service-name on CLI to generate a new component.

  • There are two components (ask-user and display-words) and one service (words) created. One other default app component is present.

  • The whole page is app component; ask-user and display-words are called inside this component.

The screenshot below shows both the components in display:


  • When the user enters an input and presses submit getWords present in ask-user.component is called. The function first checks if the input is a number greater than 0 or not. If not then functions present in words.service, which acts as a connection between ask-user and display-words are called upon to log an error on screen.

Error logging in case input is not a number or is zero:

An example of Error Logging

  • If the input > 0 then, callDisplayWords present in words.service is called upon, which in turn calls getWords function present in display-words component. This function again uses the words.service to make a get request to server with the userInput.

  • If the request catches any error then again a error message is logged on screen.

Error logging in case of get request failure:

If something goes wrong while making get request

  • If everything goes right, the number of most frequently used words the user asked for are displayed on screen.

Display of top 6 frequently used words with frequencyComputation:

Display of top 6 frequently used words with frequencyComputation

Display of top 6 frequently used words with simpleFrequencyComputation:

Display of top 6 frequently used words with simpleFrequencyComputation

Final notes for TTT

  • I've not updated the favicon because I couldn't decide, and went ahead with the default angular favicon

  • I thought of adding a check for internet-connectivity to make sure app can fetch the text file hosted at remote server. But, decided against it at this moment. But, that can be done to enhance the user experience

  • After submission, I'll be working to host this on heroku. I am not doing this now because I am not sure if you are still hiring and I don't want to delay the submission

  • Whenever you see this, please let me know how close is this to your required solution; irrespective of whether I am hired or not








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