Venn is a Facebook-inspired social media app. It's a place to share, network and collaborate. Connect with friends and family, or go out on a limb and meet new people!
- Venn uses a PostgreSQL database to store user info, posts and comments, while Amazon Web Services is used to store images uploaded by users. Venn uses a Rails backend to store, retrieve, or remove data from the PostgreSQL DB. The frontend views use React, while Redux is used for state management.
- One of the key features of Venn is the ability to upload new photos. The post form allows users to preview images they upload and select a new one before posting. Users can also add, update, or delete images from posts after they've been created. If you made edits to a post and then decide you want to leave them unchanged, you can cancel the edit post form and your post will remain untouched.
- Likes
- Reply to a comment
- Search for users
- Photo albums
- Messenger