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Bunch of helper functions splitted in several separated modules. With this lib you can:

  • wrap up any stuff into list if content is not list itself (like Array#wrap in Ruby)
  • parse any binary to date and define your own masks to it
  • using dot-notation get and update complex map structure with given value
  • and many more, please, refer to moduledocs


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding ex_helpers to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_helpers, "~> 0.2.0"}

Using in apps

After installing lib as dependency you have several ways of use:

  • You may just import single (or several) helper module, like:
defmodule Foo do
  # import full module
  import ExHelpers.Binary
  # or import single function for your special needs
  # import ExHelpers.Binary, only: [to_s: 1]
  def bar(val), do: ExHelpers.Binary.to_s(val)
end # => "1"
  • Use single module (or several) to extends your own module inside:
defmodule Foo do
  use ExHelpers.Binary
  # some extra-stuff
  # ..... 
Foo.to_s(1) # => "1"
  • Just use all function from nested helpers inside your module by just calling from library:
defmodule Foo do
  def bar(val), do: ExHelpers.to_s(val)
end # => "1"

This method of using also acceptable to single helper too: ExHelpers.Binary.to_s(1) #=> "1""

  • Use all functions at once by single "use" of main module:
defmodule Foo, do: use ExHelpers
Foo.to_f(1) # => 1.0

Currently available modules:

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


typespecs for functions