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Terraform Kubernetes Deployment

This terraform module deploys a deployment on kubernetes and adds a service.


module "deployment" {
  source              = "ballj/deployment/kubernetes"
  version             = "~> 2.4"
  image_name          = "nginx"
  image_tag           = "latest"
  namespace           = "production"
  object_prefix       = "nginx"
  ports               = [
      name           = "http"
      protocol       = "TCP"
      container_port = "8080"
      service_port   = "80"
      name           = "https"
      protocol       = "TCP"
      container_port = "8443"
      service_port   = "443"
  volumes  = [{
    name         = "html"
    type         = "persistent_volume_claim"
    object_name  = "nginx"
    readonly     = false
    mounts = [{
      mount_path = "/usr/share/nginx/html"
  labels              = {
    "" = "nginx"
  env = {
    NGINX_HOST                  = "",
  env_secret = [{
    name   = "USERNAME"
    secret = app-secret
    key    = "username"
    name   = "PASSWORD"
    secret = app-secret
    key    = "password"
  custom_certificate_authority = [ "my-ca" ]


Deployment Variables

Variable Required Default Description
namespace Yes N/A Kubernetes namespace to deploy into
object_prefix Yes N/A Unique name to prefix all objects with
labels No N/A Common labels to add to all objects - See example
image_name Yes N/A Image to deploy as part of deployment
image_tag Yes N/A Image tag to deploy
timeout_create No 3m Timeout for creating the deployment
timeout_update No 3m Timeout for updating the deployment
timeout_delete No 10m Timeout for deleting the deployment
resources_requests_cpu No null The minimum amount of compute resources required
resources_requests_memory No null The minimum amount of compute resources required
resources_limits_cpu No null The maximum amount of compute resources allowed
resources_limits_memory No null The maximum amount of compute resources allowed
ports No [] List of ports to configure - see example
service_account_name No "" Service account to attach to the pod
subdomain No "" Subdomain for the pod
service_links No false Use service links, check kubernetes documentation
replicas No 1 Amount of pods to deploy as part of deployment
pull_policy No IfNotPresent Pull policy for the image
annotations No {} Annotations to add to the deployment
template_annotations No {} Annotations to add to the template (recreate pods)
update_strategy No RollingUpdate Strategy to use, Recreate or RollingUpdate
update_max_surge No 1 Number of pods that can be scheduled above desired
update_max_unavailable No 1 Number of pods that can be unavailable
min_ready_seconds No 1 Minimum time to consider pods ready
max_ready_seconds No 600 Maximum time for pod to be ready before failure
revision_history No 4 Number of ReplicaSets to retain
volumes No [] List containing volume to mount - see example
security_context_enabled No true Enable security context at pod level
security_context_uid No 1000 User to run pod as
security_context_gid No 1000 Group to run pod as
security_context_fsgroup No 1000 fsGroup to run pod as
security_context_container_enabled No false Enable security context at container level
security_context_container_capabilities_add No null Added capabilities as
security_context_container_capabilities_drop No null Removed capabilities as
custom_certificate_authority No [] Certificate authorities to add to image
connectivity_check No [] Hostnames to check connectivity to
command No [] List of commands to run as entrypoint
arguments No [] Arguments to the entrypoint
env No {} Environment variables to add
env_secret No [] Environmentvariables to add from secrets
readiness_probe_enabled No true Enable the readiness probe
readiness_probe_initial_delay No 30 Initial delay of the probe in seconds
readiness_probe_period No 10 Period of the probe in seconds
readiness_probe_timeout No 1 Timeout of the probe in seconds
readiness_probe_success No 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
readiness_probe_failure No 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
readiness_probe_type No tcp_socket Type of probe tcp_socket/http_get/exec
readiness_probe_command No [] Command for exec probe
readiness_probe_host No "" Hostname/IP for connection - recommend host_header
readiness_probe_scheme No HTTP HTTP" or "HTTPS"
readiness_probe_path No / Path for the http_get probe
readiness_probe_http_header No [] HTTP headers
liveness_probe_enabled No true Enable the liveness probe
liveness_probe_initial_delay No 30 Initial delay of the probe in seconds
liveness_probe_period No 10 Period of the probe in seconds
liveness_probe_timeout No 1 Timeout of the probe in seconds
liveness_probe_success No 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
liveness_probe_failure No 3 Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
liveness_probe_type No tcp_socket Type of probe tcp_socket/http_get/exec
liveness_probe_command No [] Command for exec probe
liveness_probe_host No "" Hostname/IP for connection - recommend host_header
liveness_probe_scheme No HTTP HTTP" or "HTTPS"
liveness_probe_path No / Path for the http_get probe
liveness_probe_http_header No [] HTTP headers
startup_probe_enabled No true Enable the startup probe
startup_probe_initial_delay No 10 Initial delay of the probe in seconds
startup_probe_period No 1 Period of the probe in seconds
startup_probe_timeout No 1 Timeout of the probe in seconds
startup_probe_success No 1 Minimum consecutive successes for the probe
startup_probe_failure No 90 Minimum consecutive failures for the probe
startup_probe_type No tcp_socket Type of probe tcp_socket/http_get/exec
startup_probe_command No [] Command for exec probe
startup_probe_host No "" Hostname/IP for connection - recommend host_header
startup_probe_scheme No HTTP HTTP" or "HTTPS"
startup_probe_path No / Path for the http_get probe
startup_probe_http_header No [] HTTP headers
post_start_type No "" Type of probe tcp_socket/http_get/exec
post_start_command No [] Command for exec type
post_start_host No "" Hostname/IP for connection - recommend host_header
post_start_scheme No HTTP HTTP" or "HTTPS"
post_start_path No / Path for the http_get comand
post_start_http_header No [] HTTP headers

Init Containers

Volume Permissions

Variable Required Default Description
init_volume_permissions_image_name No alpine Image name of the init volume
init_volume_permissions_extraargs No [] Extra commands to run on the container
init_volume_permissions_image_tag No N/A Tag of the init volume
init_volume_permissions_image_pull_policy No N/A Pull policy for the init volume

Custom Certificates

Variable Required Default Description
init_customca_image_name No alpine Image name of the init volume
init_customca_image_tag No N/A Tag of the init volume
init_customca_image_pull_policy No N/A Pull policy for the init volume
init_customca_env_secret No N/A Secrets to add into the init container - eg proxy

Custom Certificates

Variable Required Default Description
init_connectivity_image_name No alpine Image name of the init volume
init_connectivity_image_tag No N/A Tag of the init volume
init_customca_image_pull_policy No N/A Pull policy for the init volume
init_customca_env_secret No N/A Secrets to add into the init container - eg proxy

Custom User Init Container

Will be automatically enabled if init_user_image_name and init_user_image_tag are set.

Variable Required Default Description
init_user_image_name Yes "" Image name of the init volume
init_user_image_tag Yes "" Tag of the init volume
init_user_command Yes [] Command to run within the container
init_user_arguments Yes [] Arguments to run within the container
init_user_image_pull_policy No IfNotPresent Pull policy for the init volume
init_user_security_context_uid No 1000 User to run container as
init_user_security_context_gid No 1000 Group to run container as
init_user_env No [] Environment variables for init container
init_user_env_secret No [] Secrets to add into the init container - eg proxy

Service Variables

Variable Required Default Description
service_type No ClusterIP Service type to deploy
service_annotations No {} Annotations to add to service
service_session_affinity No None Session persistence setting
service_traffic_policy No Local External traffic policy - Local or External
service_loadbalancer_ip No "" IP address to request from the loadbalancer
labels No N/A Common labels to add to all objects - See example

Port Variables

If ports is defined, a list of map is required with the variables. See below for an example.

Variable Required Default Description
name Yes N/A Name of the port
protocol Yes N/A Type of volume. See Supported volume types
container_port Yes N/A Port on the pod that application is listening on
service_port No N/A If specifed, port is created on the service

Volume Variables

If volumes is defined, a list of map is required with the variables. See below for an example.

Variable Required Default Description
name Yes N/A Name of the volume to create
type Yes N/A Type of volume. See Supported volume types
object_name No N/A Name of object (pvc, secret, configmap)
readonly No false PVC readonly flag
medium No "" Medium type for empty_dir
default_mode No 0644 Default mode for config_map/secret
optional No false If config_map/secret needs to be present
size_limit No 0 Size limit for empty_dir
mounts Yes N/A List of mounts
mounts.mount_path Yes N/A Mount path in the container
mounts.sub_path No N/A Mount sub_path in the container
mounts.read_only No false Readonly flag for volume mount
mounts.user No N/A Sets user for the volume (chown) No N/A Sets group for the volume (chgrp)
mounts.mode No N/A Sets permissions for the volume (chmod)

Network Policy Variables

Variable Required Default Description
network_policy_type No ["Ingress", "Egress"] Direction of network policy
network_policy_ingress No [] Ingress policy to apply to deployment
network_policy_egress No [] Egress policy to apply to deployment


Persistance is achieved by mounting PVCs into the container. This is achieve by the following variables:

volumes   = [
    name         = "html"
    type         = "persistent_volume_claim"
    object_name  = "nginx"
    mounts = [{ # This will mount all objects of persistent_volume_claim
      mount_path = "/usr/share/nginx"
    name         = "config"
    type         = "config_map"
    object_name  = "nginx-config"
    mounts = [
      { # This will mount only the nginx.conf file
        mount_path = "/etc/nginx.conf"
        sub_path   = "nginx.conf"
        read_only  = true
      { # This will mount only the extra.conf file
        mount_path = "/etc/nginx"
        sub_path   = "extra.conf"
        read_only  = true
      { # This will mount the config_map key original.conf at mount_path
        mount_path = "/etc/nginx/rename.conf"
        sub_path   = "original.conf"
        mode       = "0400"
    name         = "logs"
    type         = "persistent_volume_claim"
    object_name  = "nginx-logs"
    readonly     = false
    mounts = [{ mount_path = "/var/logs" }]

Supported Volume Types

The following volume types are supported

  • persistent_volume_claim
  • empty_dir
  • config_map
  • secret

Custom certificates

A list of secrets can be added to specify custom CAs to be added into the container at /etc/ssl. This is accomplished using a init container running update_certificates

Certs are loaded by adding the cert to a standard secret and specifying the secret name in the variable:

custom_certificate_authority = [ "my-ca", "my-ca-2" ]

Connectivity Check

Pass a list of hostnames to check and the service will wait for these to be available before coming up.

connectivity_check = [
    name     = "google"
    hostname = ""
    port     = 443
    timeout  = 30

Network Policy

Network policy can be used to restrict network access to and from pods. The default behaviour is to use both ingress and egress as soon as a single policy is set. This can be controlled with network_policy_type.

Some of the fields are multifunctional:

  • selectors.ip can be either a map or a string:
    • if its a string, its considered a CIDR.
    • if its a map, it allows cidr and except (similar to Terraform docs)
  • selectors.pod and selectors.namespace can be a map of labels, or a map containing a match_labels variable (match_expressions not implemented yet)

Basic Policy:

  network_policy_ingress = [
      ports = [
          port     = "80"
          protocol = "TCP"
      selectors = [
          pod = {
            match_labels = { "" = "nw-policy" }

Advanced policy:

  network_policy_ingress = [
      ports = [
          port     = "80"
          protocol = "TCP"
          port     = "443"
          protocol = "TCP"
      selectors = [
          pod = {}
          ip = {
            cidr = ""
          ip = ""
  network_policy_egress = [
      ports = [
          port     = "80"
          protocol = "TCP"
      selectors = [{
        pod = { "" = "nw-policy" }
      ports = [
          port     = "53"
          protocol = "TCP"
          port     = "53"
          protocol = "UDP"
      selectors = [{
        pod       = { "" = "nw-policy" }
        namespace = { "" = "apps" }
  network_policy_type = ["Ingress", "Egress"]


Variable volumes and ports does not have its type set as this requires Optional Object Type Attributes to work correctly. This feature is currently experimental and so it not used at the moment.



Change to v1 resource naming. This requires old resources be manually deleted unless the object_prefix is changed. If this is not done Terraform will error as the name already exists.

Changed service links to disabled by default. Change service_links = true for old behaviour.


Changed the volume naming slightly. permissions has been renamed to mode to be more consistent with the Kubernetes documentation. permissions will continue to work until it is removed in the v3.0.0 version.


Creates an kubernetes deployment resource.






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