AYPullBoardView - help you to display additional information for the user, or get some data from him in a separate interactive view.
AYPullBoardView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
target 'YOUR_TARGET_NAME' do
pod 'AYPullBoardView'
// 'pullContentView' - object of 'AYPullBoardView' type.
// 'itemView' - UIView that should be located on 'pullContentView'.
pullContentView.add(view: itemView)
pullContentView.setInitialYPercentBoard(position: 0.8)
pullContentView.setFinalYPercentBoard(position: 0.2)
/* OR
pullContentView.setInitialYValueBoard(position: 500)
pullContentView.setFinalYValueBoard(position: 64)
pullContentView.movingAnimationDuration = 0.64
pullContentView.draggingAnimationDuration = 0.16
// toggling the state (without animation)
pullContentView.isExpanded = true
// toggling the state (with animation)
pullContentView.setIsExpanded(true, animated: true)
📧 Anton Yereshchenko
AYPullBoardView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Icons & photos:
Icons8 - https://icons8.com