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The Spectrum Members Ensemble

The Spectrum Members ensemble includes a modified workspace for Symphony 2.0.6. This ensemble adds to the Spectrum theme provided in the official workspace repository. The main difference here is that there are three additional pages:

  • Members
  • Register
  • Login







Retrieve Password





This ensemble requires the following extensions in order for the Members extension to manage the registration, login and access control:

These are included in the repository as extensions.

Known Issues

This ensemble is a work in progress. The registration and login forms are working. The retrieve password form is there, but untested at this point. If anyone wants to help out with this, please test the password retrieval form to see whether the email event is working.


The Spectrum Members Ensemble repository brings together the Symphony 2.0.6 core application, the required extensions and the Spectrum Members workspace to simplify the install process. This installer provides a single ZIP archive or a single Git command to provide all the files necessary for installation. Refer to the README file for the Spectrum Members workspace for install instructions using Git to bring all the different source repositories together.

Install from Spectrum Members Ensemble ZIP Archive

Go to the Downloads page to download the ZIP file. This is the simplest, if you want to avoid using Git altogether.

Install Spectrum Members Ensemble via Git

This repository has been created to make the installation as simple as possible. A single Git command will provide all that you need:

git clone git://

That should be all. Install Symphony as usual. (Find the instructions at the official Symphony 2 repository.) For convenience, they have been included below:

Symphony 2


Symphony is a PHP & MySQL based CMS that utilises XML and XSLT as its core technologies. This repository represents version 2.0.6 and is considered stable.

Visit the forum at


Important Information

Version 2.0.5 introduced multiple includable elements, in the Data Source Editor, for a single field. After updating from 2.0.5 or lower, the DS editor will seem to "forget" about any Textarea fields selected when you are editing existing Data Sources. After updating, you must ensure you re-select them before saving. Note, this will only effect Data Sources that you edit and were created prior to 2.0.5. Until that point, the field will still be included in any front-end XML

Via Git

  1. Pull from the master branch at git://

  2. Use the following command to get Extensions up to date:

    git submodule init git submodule update

  3. If updating from a version less than 2.0.5, enable Debug DevKit and Profile DevKit extensions.

  4. Follow normal updating procedure below from step 2.

Via the old fashioned way

Follow the instructions below if you are updating from Symphony version 2.0 (non Git)

Note: As of 2.0.6, there is no longer a need to backup /symphony/.htaccess.

  1. Upload /symphony, index.php & update.php, replacing what is already on your server.

  2. If you are updating from a version < 2.0.5, download and install the Debug DevKit and Profile DevKit:

  3. Go to to complete the update process.

  4. Celebrate by shaving your friend's head for charity!


Via Git

  1. Clone the git repository to the location you desire using:

     git clone git://

    Should you wish to make contributions back to the project, fork the master tree rather than cloning, and issue pull requests via github.

    The following repositories are included as submodules:

  2. Run the following commands to ensure the submodules are cloned:

     git submodule init
     git submodule update
  3. (Optional) If you would like the default theme installed as well, you will need to use the following command from within the Symphony 2 folder you just created:

     git clone git://
  4. Follow normal installation procedure below from step 2.

Via the old fashioned way

Note: You can leave /workspace out if you do not want the default theme.

  1. This step assumes you downloaded a zip archive from the Symphony website. Upload the following files and directories to the root directory of your website:

    • index.php
    • install.php
    • /symphony
    • /workspace
    • /extensions
  2. Point your web browser at and provide details for establishing a database connection and about your server environment.

  3. Jump with both arms up like you're in a car commercial!


Secure Production Sites: Change permissions and remove installer files.

  1. For a smooth install process, change permissions for the root, symphony and workspace directories.

     cd /your/site/root
     chmod 777 symphony .
     chmod -R 777 workspace
  2. Once successfully installed, change permissions as per your server preferences:

     chmod 755 symphony .
  3. Remove installer files (unless you're fine with revealing all your trade secrets):

     rm install.php install.sql workspace/install.sql update.php
  4. Dance like it's 1999!


Spectrum Members Ensemble







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