An SVG export button for Desmos using GreaseMonkey
Please install the browser extension GreaseMonkey and checkout the simple way to install the script on their website.
Navigate to the main calculator page of, wait for the button "Get SVG" to appear in the top-right corner of the page. If it is disabled, you should just need to update the view e.g. by dragging it a bit with the mouse. Click on the button to download an SVG file corresponding to what the view is displaying.
Note that the downloaded file will not have the ".svg" extension nor any relevant name, although its content will be that of an SVG file.
This script has only been tested on Mozilla Firefox. For other browsers the behavior might be different when downloading the SVG picture.
Please report to me the result of using my script using any other browser not listed above.
Thank you for using DesmosToSVG!