- chromedriver.exe (put it into project root)
- geckodriver.exe (put it into project root)
- IEDriverServer.exe (put it into project root)
- SpecFlow for Visual Studio (2017)
- Markdown Editor
- Dotnet Extensions for Test Explorer
- SpecFlow
- SpecFlow.NUnit
- NUnit
- NUnit.Console
- NUnit3TestAdapter
- NUnitV2.Core
- ReportUnit
- SpecFlow.NUnit.Runners
- TestReport.SpecFlow
- Selenium.WebDriver
- Coypu
- clone repository
- open 'Restore nuGetPackages' and install packages
- in 'Properties' for chromedriver.exe, geckodriver.exe and IEDriverServer.exe change 'Copy to Output Directory' to 'Copy always'
- add your .feature files with scenarios
- create custom steps class / steps classes
- generate steps- in .feature file open context menu and choose 'Generate Step Definitions'
- create custom page objects classes and assertions classes with methods
- delete example .feature files, steps classes, page objects classes and assertions classes
- nunit3-console specflow-coypu\bin\Debug\specflow-coypu.dll --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- nunit3-console specflow-coypu\bin\Debug\specflow-coypu.dll --params:BROWSER=CHROME --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- nunit3-console specflow-coypu\bin\Debug\specflow-coypu.dll --params:BROWSER=FIREFOX --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- nunit3-console specflow-coypu\bin\Debug\specflow-coypu.dll --params:BROWSER=INTERNETEXPLORER --work=NUnitTestResult --out=NUnitTestResult.txt --result=NUnitTestResult.xml
- run tests with Test Explorer
- or run .feature file / directory with .feature files / scenario in .feature file
- reportunit "NUnitTestResult" "NUnitReports"
Reports are placed in 'NUnitReports' directory, after generating them with commandline To run generated report in browser, open 'Index.html' file.
Reports are also placed in 'TestReportSpecFlow' directory, , including screenshots of failed scenarios To run generated report in browser, open 'TestReport.html' file. To customise location of 'TestReportSpecFlow' directory, go to App.config, find appSettings with key 'testResultFolder' and change its value