To install this vim config package use make.
cd vimgit && make
This config package includes plugins by other developers including pathogen, NERDTree, ctrlp, and vim-multiple-cursors. It also sets up some nice control features.
In normal mode...
- TAB will toggle the file tree pane.
- Ctrl-t will open a new tab.
- Ctrl-x will close the current tab or pane.
- Ctrl-h will move left a pane.
- Ctrl-l will move right a pane.
- Ctrl-j will move down a pane.
- Ctrl-k will move up a pane.
- Ctrl-b will allow for quick buffer switching.
- f will advance the cursor one word (b to move back a word).
- :O will open a file in a new tab (supports autocomplete).
- :Q will close all open buffers (if they are not modified).
- Syntax highlighting is turned on by default.
- Line numbers are turned on by default.
- vim-multiple cursors allows you to edit multiple things at once, Ctrl-n to select the next instance of the word under the cursor, c to change all instances once selected.
- NERDTree powerful file tree.
- ctrlp use Ctrl-p to search for a filename in the CWD.