The zettel note manager of the future.
project status badges:
version badges:
This package could be installed using pip like any other Python package (in fact, see the section below this one for instructions on how to do just that). Given that we only need this package's entry points, however, we recommend that pipx be used instead:
# install and setup pipx
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
# install zorg
pipx install zettel-org
To install zorg
using pip, run the following
commands in your terminal:
python3 -m pip install --user zettel-org # install zorg
If you don't have pip installed, this Python installation guide can guide you through the process.
The following subsections have been auto-generated using cog:
usage: zorg [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-L [FILE[:LEVEL][@FORMAT]]] [-v]
[--version] [-d ZETTEL_DIR]
{action,compile,db,edit,file,note,query,template} ...
The zettel note manager of the future.
Absolute or relative path to a YAML file that contains
this application's configuration.
The directory where all of your notes are stored.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This option can be used to enable a new logging
handler. FILE should be either a path to a logfile or
one of the following special file types: [1] 'stderr'
to log to standard error (enabled by default), [2]
'stdout' to log to standard out, [3] 'null' to disable
all console (e.g. stderr) handlers, or [4] '+[NAME]'
to choose a default logfile path (where NAME is an
optional basename for the logfile). LEVEL can be any
valid log level (i.e. one of ['CRITICAL', 'DEBUG',
be any valid log format (i.e. one of ['color', 'json',
'nocolor']). NOTE: This option can be specified
multiple times and has a default argument of '+'.
-v, --verbose How verbose should the output be? This option can be
specified multiple times (e.g. -v, -vv, -vvv, ...).
--version show program's version number and exit
action Used to interface with vim via an action protocol.
compile Compiles zorg (*.zo) files into zorc (*.zoc) files.
db Commands for managing Zorg's SQL database.
edit Generate new day logs from templates and open the main
day log in your system's editor. This is the default
file Commands for managing files.
note Commands for managing individual notes.
query Run a zorg query against your zettel directory.
template Commands for managing .zot templates.
usage: zorg action [-h] {open} ...
Used to interface with vim via an action protocol.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
open Open a zettel link if one exists on the provided zorg file line.
usage: zorg action open [-h] zo_path line_number [option_idx]
Open a zettel link if one exists on the provided zorg file line.
positional arguments:
line_number The line number that your editor cursor is currently located
option_idx Used on a second 'action open' run to indicate which option was
zo_path The file that your editor currently has open.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: zorg compile [-h] zo_path
Compiles zorg (*.zo) files into zorc (*.zoc) files.
positional arguments:
zo_path Path to the zorg file you want to compile.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: zorg db [-h] {create,reindex} ...
Commands for managing Zorg's SQL database.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
create Create zorg's backend database from scratch.
reindex Reindex any changed files by adding them to the database.
usage: zorg db create [-h] [-f]
Create zorg's backend database from scratch.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --update-error-file-whitelist
If this option is NOT provided, any errors in Zorg
files that are NOT already in the error file whitelist
will cause Zorg to abort database creation.
usage: zorg db reindex [-h] [paths ...]
Reindex any changed files by adding them to the database.
positional arguments:
paths Reindex these specific paths. If this argument is not provided,
we use a hashing approach to check which files have changed.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: zorg edit [-h] [zo_paths ...]
Generate new day logs from templates and open the main day log in your system's editor. This is the default subcommand.
positional arguments:
zo_paths The .zo files we want to open in an editor.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: zorg file [-h] {rename} ...
Commands for managing files.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
rename Rename a file.
usage: zorg file rename [-h] src_name dest_name
Rename a file.
positional arguments:
dest_name The destination filename.
src_name The source filename.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: zorg note [-h] {move,promote} ...
Commands for managing individual notes.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
move Move a note to a different page.
promote Promote a note to a file.
usage: zorg note move [-h] zid new_page [note_type]
Move a note to a different page.
positional arguments:
new_page Path to the destination page (i.e. where our note will be moved
note_type If provided, this argument specifies a new note type for the
moved note. This can be used, for example, to mark an OPEN todo
as DONE before moving it to a file dedicated to done todos.
Valid values: ['x', '~']
zid ZID of the note we want to move.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: zorg note promote [-h] [-n NEW_PAGE_NAME] [-p PARENT_PAGE_NAME] zid
Promote a note to a file.
positional arguments:
zid ZID of the note we want to promote to a file.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NEW_PAGE_NAME, --new-page-name NEW_PAGE_NAME
Name of the new page we create from the target note.
Defaults to using the first ID property defined by the
target note OR crashes if no ID property is found.
-p PARENT_PAGE_NAME, --parent-page-name PARENT_PAGE_NAME
Name of the page that should be considered the parent
of the new page we create. Defaults to the file
containing the target note.
usage: zorg query [-h] [-e] [-s] query
Run a zorg query against your zettel directory.
positional arguments:
query The zorg query we will run.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --open-in-editor Store query results in a temporary Zorg query page and
then open this page in an editor.
-s, --store-in-file Store query results in temporary Zorg query page and
then print that page's file path to STDOUT.
usage: zorg template [-h] {init,list,render} ...
Commands for managing .zot templates.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
init Initialize a new file using a zorg template.
list List all zorg template files.
render Render a new .zo file using a .zot template.
usage: zorg template init [-h] [-f] [-t TEMPLATE] new_path [variables ...]
Initialize a new file using a zorg template.
positional arguments:
new_path Path to the new file you would like to create.
variables A list of variable specs of the form of key=value.
-f, --force Overwrite target file if the file already exists.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
Optional path to the .zot template. If a template is
not provided, we will infer what template to use based
off of the new file's name.
usage: zorg template list [-h]
List all zorg template files.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
usage: zorg template render [-h] template [variables ...]
Render a new .zo file using a .zot template.
positional arguments:
template Path to the .zot template.
variables A list of variable specs of the form of key=value.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- API Reference: A developer's reference of the API exposed by this project.
- cc-python: The cookiecutter that was used to generate this project. Changes made to this cookiecutter are periodically synced with this project using cruft.
- We use this file to document all notable changes made to this project.
- This document contains guidelines for developers interested in contributing to this project.
- Create a New Issue: Create a new GitHub issue for this project.
- Documentation: This project's full documentation.