This is my implementation of the CHIP-8 interpreter.
Usage of chip8:
-c string
color of pixels (default "white")
-k string
type of keyboard (dvorak, qwerty) (default "dvorak")
-l color fill pixels (default true)
-r int
frame refresh rate (default 4)
# set color to grey
$ chip8 -c=grey ./roms/ibm.ch8
# set keypad to qwerty and color to green
$ chip8 -k=qwerty -c=green ./roms/pong.ch8
# no options
$ chip8 ./roms/ttt.ch8
# set color to red, pixel fill to false, and refresh rate to 8
$ chip8 -c=red -l=false -r=8 ./roms/tetris.ch8