Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with bio-inspired filters.
- Clone this BioNet repository
- Clone the CIFAR-10G generalisation test set
- Set your
in the notebook and pass yourdata_dir
(ln -s /shared/data/ data
) which contains the image sets
├── bionet
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── data
│ ├── CIFAR-10G
│ ├── ecoset
│ └── ecoset-cifar10
├── logs
├── models
├── notebooks
├── results
├── scripts
The main script to handle training and testing is
in the project's root directory. This script is called to both train and test the models. If saved weights files are found in the models
directory, training will be skipped (unless the clean
flag is passed) and the code will proceed to testing.
usage: [-h] [--convolution CONVOLUTION] [--base BASE] [--pretrain]
[--architecture ARCHITECTURE] [--interpolation INTERPOLATION]
[--optimizer {SGD,RMSprop,Adagrad,Adadelta,Adam,Adamax,Nadam}]
[--lr LR] [--decay DECAY] [--use_initializer]
[--internal_noise INTERNAL_NOISE] [--trial TRIAL]
[--label LABEL] [--seed SEED] [-t] [--recalculate_statistics]
[--epochs EPOCHS] [--batch BATCH] [--image_path IMAGE_PATH]
[--train_image_path TRAIN_IMAGE_PATH] [--test_generalisation]
[--invert_test_images INVERT_TEST_IMAGES]
[--test_perturbations] [--data_augmentation]
[--extra_augmentation] [-c] [--skip_test] [-l] [--save_images]
[-p] [--gpu GPU] [--project_dir PROJECT_DIR] [-v VERBOSE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--convolution CONVOLUTION
Name of convolutional filter to use
--base BASE Name of model to use
--pretrain Flag to use pretrained ImageNet weights in the model
--architecture ARCHITECTURE
Parameter file (JSON) to load
--interpolation INTERPOLATION
Method to interpolate the images when upscaling.
Default: 0 ("nearest" i.e. no interpolation)
--optimizer {SGD,RMSprop,Adagrad,Adadelta,Adam,Adamax,Nadam}
Name of optimizer to use:
--lr LR, --learning_rate LR
Learning rate for training
--decay DECAY Optimizer decay for training
--use_initializer Flag to use the weight initializer (then freeze
weights) for the Gabor filters
--internal_noise INTERNAL_NOISE
Standard deviation for adding a Gaussian noise layer
after the first convolutional layer
--trial TRIAL Trial number for labeling different runs of the same
--label LABEL For labeling different runs of the same model
--seed SEED Random seed to use
-t, --train Flag to train the model
Flag to recalculate normalisation statistics over the
training set
--epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs to train model
--batch BATCH Size of mini-batches passed to the network
--image_path IMAGE_PATH
Path to image files to load
--train_image_path TRAIN_IMAGE_PATH
Path to training image files to load
Flag to test the model on sets of untrained images
--invert_test_images INVERT_TEST_IMAGES
Flag to invert the luminance of the test images
--test_perturbations Flag to test the model on perturbed images
--data_augmentation Flag to train the model with data augmentation
--extra_augmentation Flag to train the model with additional data
-c, --clean Flag to retrain model
--skip_test Flag to skip testing the model
-l, --log Flag to log training data
--save_images Flag to save preprocessed (perturbed) test images
-p, --save_predictions
Flag to save category predictions
--gpu GPU GPU ID to run on
--project_dir PROJECT_DIR
Path to the root project directory
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
Verbosity level
To train and test the models, the code below may be used and adapted as required.
import os
import sys
import pprint
import subprocess
import random
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras
import tensorflow.keras.backend
project_root_dir = "/home/jovyan/work/BioNet" # Change as necessary
print(f"Project directory: {project_root_dir}\n")
print("\nTensorFlow:", tf.__version__)
print(f"Channel ordering: {tf.keras.backend.image_data_format()}") # TensorFlow: Channels last order.
gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')
# gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')
label = "paper"
image_path = '' # Empty string defaults to CIFAR-10
# image_path = '/shared/data/ecoset-cifar10'
convolutions = ['Original', 'Low-pass', 'DoG', 'Gabor', 'Combined-trim']
bases = ['ALL-CNN', 'VGG-16', 'VGG-19', 'ResNet']
seed = 0
start_trial = 1
num_trials = 5
trials = range(start_trial, start_trial+num_trials)
train = True
pretrain = False
clean = False
epochs = 100
optimizer = "RMSprop"
lr = 1e-4
use_initializer = True
data_augmentation = True
extra_augmentation = False
internal_noise = 0
skip_test = False
save_images = False
save_predictions = True
test_generalisation = True
test_perturbations = True
interpolation = 4 # Lanczos
recalculate_statistics = False
verbose = 0
halt_on_error = False
gpu = 1
script = os.path.join(project_root_dir, "")
flags = ['--log']
if train:
if clean:
if use_initializer:
if data_augmentation:
if extra_augmentation:
if skip_test:
if recalculate_statistics:
if save_predictions:
optional_args = []
if image_path:
optional_args.extend(['--image_path', str(image_path)])
if test_perturbations:
if test_generalisation:
if pretrain:
if internal_noise:
optional_args.extend(['--internal_noise', str(internal_noise)])
if interpolation:
optional_args.extend(['--interpolation', str(interpolation)])
if verbose:
optional_args.extend(['--verbose', str(verbose)])
count = 1
for trial in tqdm(trials, desc='Trial'):
if seed is None:
seed = random.randrange(2**32)
for base in tqdm(bases, desc='Model Base', leave=False):
for conv in tqdm(convolutions, desc='Convolution', leave=False):
cmd = [script, *flags]
if save_images and count == 1:
cmd.extend(['--convolution', conv, '--base', base, '--label', label,
'--trial', str(trial), '--seed', str(seed),
'--optimizer', optimizer, '--lr', str(lr),
'--epochs', str(epochs), '--gpu', str(gpu)])
completed =, shell=False, capture_output=True, text=True)
if completed.returncode != 0:
count += 1
f'Finished job "{label}"!'
rsync -vzhrLKe ssh --progress user@host:/storage/models/paper /shared/data/
Create symlinks to consolidate simulations
find response -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -exec ln -s ../'{}' paper/ \;