Releases: bdunderscore/modular-avatar
What's Changed
This release switches to a new backend system for processing animations. For some avatars this can result in a small speed boost when processing, but it's mostly intended to lay the groundwork for future expansion. Please report any changes in behavior with this release!
Full Changelog: 1.11.5...1.12.0-alpha.0
What's Changed
- fix: Reactive Components can't be used in conjunction with custom animations by @bdunderscore in #1451
- 修正: Reactive Componentが主導で組まれたアニメーションと一緒に使うと正しく動作しない問題を修正 by @bdunderscore in #1451
Full Changelog: 1.11.4...1.11.5
This is a re-release of 1.11.3 to fix issues reported in the distribution ZIP.
Full Changelog: 1.11.3...1.11.4
What's Changed
- feat: Added the
Create Toggle for Selection
menu item by @Tliks in #1400- Select some objects, right click, and choose
Modular Avatar -> Create Toggle for Selection
. Menu items will be created for each selected object automatically.
- Select some objects, right click, and choose
- fix: Reactive Components attached to always-on object are sometimes ignored by @bdunderscore in #1424
- fix: occasional NullReferenceError from RO analysis by @bdunderscore in #1425
- perf: improve preview performance by @Tliks in #1427
- fix: parameters in menu assets referenced by a Menu Item aren't renamed correctly by @bdunderscore in #1428
- docs: fix typo in MA Parameters docs by @nlaocs in #1422
- 新機能:
Create Toggle for Selection
メニューを追加 by @Tliks in #1400- オブジェクトを複数選択し、右クリックメニューで
Modular Avatar -> Create Toggle for Selection
- オブジェクトを複数選択し、右クリックメニューで
- 修正: 常にONなオブジェクトについているリアクティブコンポーネントが正しく反映されないバグ by @bdunderscore in #1424
- 修正: リアクティブコンポーネントの処理でNullReferenceErrorが発生するバグ by @bdunderscore in #1425
- 修正: プレビューパフォーマンス向上 by @Tliks in #1427
- 修正: MA Menu Itemで追加されるサブメニューアセットの中のパラメーターがリネームされない by @bdunderscore in #1428
- ドキュメンテーション: MA Parametersドキュメンテーションのタイプミスを修正 by @nlaocs in #1422
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.11.2...1.11.3
What's Changed
- fix: AvatarObjectReferenceDrawer UI improvements by @Rerigferl in #1393
- fix: menu icon in submenu are not resized by @anatawa12 in #1394
- fix: high load caused by ObjectReferenceFixer when paths collide by @bdunderscore in #1418
- fix: deletedShape animation curves are retained in final avatar animations by @bdunderscore in #1419
- AvatarObjectReferenceDrawer のUI改善 by @Rerigferl in #1393
- サブメニューのアイコンがリサイズされないバグを修正 by @anatawa12 in #1394
- オブジェクト名がかぶるとObjectReferenceFixerの負荷がヤバいバグを修正 by @bdunderscore in #1418
- deletedShapesのアニメーションが残ってしまうバグを修正 by @bdunderscore in #1419
Full Changelog: 1.11.1...1.11.2
What's Changed
- fix: NullReferenceException in some cases when viewing MA Menu Item controls by @bdunderscore in #1384
- fix: issues with MA Move Independently error handling by @bdunderscore in #1387
- Translation updates
- 修正:MA Menu Itemを見るときに発生するNullReferenceException [#1384]
- 修正:MA Move Independentlyのエラー対応を修正 by @bdunderscore in #1387
- 翻訳更新
Full Changelog: 1.11.0...1.11.1
What's Changed
New features
- Add the "Remove Vertex Color" component. This component deletes vertex color data from all object below it - handy when setting up a Quest avatar!
- Add the "Sync Parameter Sequence" component. This component lets you ensure that expressions parameters are in the same order between PC and Android, avoiding sync issues.
- Add support for disconnecting MA Menu Item name fields from the game object name. With this, you can now use rich text in your menu item names as well! Thanks to @hai-vr for providing this change!
Other changes and fixes
- feat: add API to open Menu Installer's selection UI by @bdunderscore in #1348
- fix: issues where undesired duplication could occur when root bones are flipped by @Rerigferl in #1376
- Remove Vertex Color コンポーネントを追加!配下のオブジェクトすべてから頂点カラーデータを削除するコンポーネントです。Questアバターのセットアップには便利!
- Sync Parameter Sequence コンポーネントを追加!Quest向けアバター・PC向けアバターの間に、パラメーター順を合わせて、同期ずれを回避するためのコンポーネントです。
- MA Menu Itemにおいて、名前欄をGameObjectの名前から切り離すオプションを追加。これでリッチテキストが使えるようになりました。提供してくださった @hai-vr さん、ありがとうございます!
- Menu Installerのインストール先UIを開くAPIを追加 by @bdunderscore in #1348
- ルートボーンが逆転されている状態で、他の物が複製される問題を修正 by @Rerigferl in #1376
Full Changelog: 1.10.11...1.11.0
What's Changed
- Major build-time performance improvements [#1372]
- 大幅なビルド時パフォーマンス向上 [#1372]
Full Changelog: 1.10.10...1.10.11
What's Changed
- fix: setup outfit did not correctly identify bone names for the avatar "びしょぬれのしずくさん" [#1370]
- fix: issues when merging an outfit with a negative local scale on the root bone [#1355] [#1356] by @ReinaS-64892
- fix: some bugs with MA Move Independently [#1369]
- fix: MA Move Independently isn't saved after entering play mode
- fix: nested MA Move Independently components don't work properly
- 修正:Setup Outfitで、「びしょぬれのしずくさん」のボーン名を正しく推定できない問題を修正 [#1370]
- 修正:衣装のルートボーンのスケールが負の値の場合、正しく処理されない問題を修正 [#1355] [#1356] by @ReinaS-64892
- 修正:MA Move Independently のバグをいくつか [#1369]
- 修正:プレイモードに入って戻るとMA Move Independently が消滅
- 修正:入れ子にしたMA Move Independentlyコンポーネントが正しく処理されない問題
Full Changelog: 1.10.9...1.10.10
What's Changed
- Revert changes to use VRCParentConstraint for world fixed objects, due to compatibility issues
- World Fixed ObjectでVRCParentConstraintを使う変更で互換性問題が発生したため、元の仕様に戻しました。
Full Changelog: 1.10.8...1.10.9