HBVouroboros uses RNA-sequencing reads to infer HBV genotype, quantify HBV transcript expression, and perform variant calling of HBV genomes.
HBVouroboros, distributed under the GPL-3 license, is available at https://github.com/bedapub/HBVouroboros.
git clone https://github.com/bedapub/HBVouroboros.git
## setup conda environment
cd envs; conda env create; cd -
## in case it has been installed, use the command below to update
## conda env update
conda activate HBVouroboros
An out-of-box example can be run by starting the snakemake
snakemake -j 99 --configfile config/config_template.yaml --use-envmodules ## use --use-conda if no R module is present
Create a config file by copying the template.
cp config/config_template.yaml config/config.yaml
Next, modify the config/config.yaml
file to specify a sample annotation file, and make other changes if necessary.
This feature has been disabled now. It may be activated in the future.
We created RNAsim2, a RNA-seq simulator to validate the sensitivity and specificity of HBVouroboros. See RNAsim2/README.md for details.
Above we use the default conda solver. If you suffer from slow speed of conda, consider using mamba, which is a drop-in replacement of conda.
If you met more issues, please raise them using the Issues function of GitHub.