Quick and dirty server for serving SHP files data build for Real reality project created at Prague Hacks 2016.
Chrome extension front-end is here.
Data .shp files has to be converted to EPSG:3857 and column my_id
(integer increment from 1) has to be added.
You need data files:
- Bonita klimatu z hlediska znečištění ovzduší
- Stání v zónách placeného stání
- Hluková mapa automobilové dopravy - noc a den
- Cenová mapa Hl. M. Prahy - Plochy
- Download QGIS
- Open .shp file in QGIS
- Click "Add Vector layer"
- Source type: File, Click Browse and select .shp file
- At "Layer panel" right click on particular Layer and select "Save as..."
- Browse for "Save as" file input box. Select CRS "EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo Mercator" and click Ok
- New converted layer will be added to "Layer panel"
- Right click on new layer at "Layer panel" and select "Edit attributes table"
- Click on "Toggle editing mode" button (first) and than click "Open field calculator" button
- Keep "Create new field" checked, set "Output field name" to value "my_id", set "Output field type" to integer, and set "Expression" to value "$id+1"
- Press Ok and click on "Toggle editing mode" button. You will be promted to save data. Answer yes :]
- Now you have new .shp file prepared