Flask-RESTPlus is an extension for `wsgiservice`_ that adds support for quickly building REST APIs. Flask-RESTPlus encourages best practices with minimal setup. If you are familiar with Flask, Flask-RESTPlus should be easy to pick up. It provides a coherent collection of decorators and tools to describe your API and expose its documentation properly using `Swagger`_.
wsgiservice_restplus requires Python 2.7+ and the following libraries:
- pytz
- jsonschema
- six>=1.3.0
- aniso8601>=0.82
- WsgiService
You can install wsgiservice_restplus (along with all its dependencaies if abent) with the following command:
$ python setup.py install clean
With Flask-Restplus, you only import the api instance to route and document your endpoints.
from wsgiservice_restplus import Api, Resource, fields