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Node.js wrapper for image compression algorithms.


Supporting of other types of images is coming soon.


You can view all the patches which are applied to the algorithms here.


  • optipng.patch – adds to OptiPNG the ability to remove RGB components or transparent pixels in RGB+alpha images.

  • zopflipng.patch – makes Zopflipng work on Linux.


$ npm install imageoptim

This command will install image-optim and all supported compression algorithms automatically. The installation of the compression algorithms is subscribed in script env-setup.



var imageOptim = require('imageoptim');


Optimizes the given files.

@param {String[]} – a list of paths to files to optimize
@param {Object} – options:

  • reporters {String[]} - reporters of the results. flat - writes the results to stdout, html - creates the HTML report of the results in file imageoptim-report.html (default: flat).

@returns {Promise * Object[]} – the information about optimized files:

[{ name: 'file.ext', savedBytes: 12345, exitCode: 0 }]


Checks whether the given files can be optimized further.

@param {String[]} – a list of paths to files to check
@param {Object} – options:

  • tolerance {Number} – sets the measurement error in percentages (decimal < 1) or bytes (integer or decimal >= 1) (default: 0).
type skope description
percentages < 1 The file will be considered to be optimized if the percentage of saved bytes after the compression is less than the specified value (0.880%, 0.011%, etc)
bytes >= 1 The file will be considered to be optimized if the number of saved bytes after the compression is less than the specified value (2020 bytes, 100500100500 bytes, etc)
  • reporters {String[]} - reporters of the results. flat - writes the results to stdout, html - creates the HTML report of the results in file imageoptim-report.html (default: flat).

@returns {Promise * Object[]} – the information about linted files:

[{ name: 'file.ext', isOptimized: true, exitCode: 0 }]

Exit code


If a file was processed without errors its exit code will be equal to 0.


If a file can not be processed by one of the algorithms its exit code will be equal to 1.


If a file does not exist its exit code will be equal to 2.


var imageOptim = require('imageoptim');

// optimization
imageOptim.optim(['1.png', '2.png'], { reporters: ['flat', 'html'] })
    .then(function (res) {

// linting
imageOptim.lint(['1.png', '2.png'], {
        tolerance: 0.08,
        // tolerance: 20,
        reporters: ['flat', 'html']
    .then(function (res) {


$ imageoptim --help
Node.js wrapper for image compression algorithms

  imageoptim [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

  -h, --help : Help
  -v, --version : Shows the version number
  -l, --lint : Lint mode
  -t TOLERANCE, --tolerance=TOLERANCE : sets the measurement error in percentages or bytes (default: 0)
  -r REPORTERS, --reporter=REPORTERS : flat or/and html (default: flat)

  FILES : Paths to files (required)

REMARK! More information about options lint and tolerance can be found in the API.


$ imageoptim path/to/file1 path/to/file2 --reporter=flat --reporter=html # optimization

$ imageoptim path/to/file --lint --tolerance=0.08 --reporter=flat --reporter=html # linting, tolerance is `8%`

$ imageoptim path/to/file --lint --tolerance=20 # linting, tolerance is `20 bytes`