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Releases: bem/bem-components-dist


19 Mar 16:32
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Notable changes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed dropdown unexpected closing (#1998).
  • dist: i-bem-dom__init_auto was removed from no-autoinit bundle (#2002).

Other changes

  • Add styles for link_disabled (#2004).
  • dist: Provide concatenated bem-xjst templates (#1855).


20 Feb 13:01
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Breaking changes

See changelog and migration guide from previous version.


20 Feb 13:01
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Breaking changes

Notable changes

Bug fixes

  • An issue in BEMHTML template of menu which prevented to use bem-xjst was fixed.
  • An issue in checkbox-group with absence of buttons separator was fixed (#1896).

Other changes

  • Extra files were excluded from npm and bower packages.
  • Documentation updated.


16 May 00:30
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Breaking changes

  • bem-core library was updated to 3.0.1. With this update FastClick was removed and new implementation for pointer events was introduced for iOS devices. Also touch-action: manipulation property was added to controls (#1787).
  • Dropped support for old bem-xjst & bh versions (#1803). bem-xjst 6.3.0+ should be used. Since now there's no need to add dependencies on i-bem block for base templates.
  • File extentions of BEMHTML templates were renamed from .bemhtml to .bemhtml.js (#1464). Please check that new extention is supported in you build config.
  • onSwitcherClick method of dropdown block was moved to prototype (#1502).
  • bem-tools configs were removed (#1816).

Bug fixes

  • Wrong styling for dropdown in control-group was fixed (#1741).


05 May 21:59
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Notable changes

  • bem-core library was updated to 2.9.1 (#1789). With this update an issue in page was fixed. <meta name=viewport> had wrong user-scalable value on the touch level.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in menu which led to absence of tabindex after disabled state (#1791).
  • Fixed a bug in control-group which led to extra border on two or more button_checked (#1786).


05 May 21:58
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Notable changes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in select which led to caching of hidden input on page refresh (#1752).
  • Fixed a bug in button which led to click event generation after pointercancel #1764.
  • Fixed a bug in checkbox and radio which led to wrong form serialization with the help of jQuery #1768.
  • Fixed a bug in button styling with focused-hard modifier (#1721).
  • Fixed right border of button inside control-group (#1723).
  • Fixed borders for autofilled inputs in Blink-based browsers (#1710).
  • Fixed a11y markup in select (#1734).
  • Added insufficient dependencies in select (#1667)&

Other changes

  • Dist: added client JS bundles without autoinit #1781.
  • BEMHTML: implemented support for new versions of bem-xjst (#1745).
  • Documentation updated.


19 Nov 23:46
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Notable changes

  • bem-core dependency was updated to 2.8.0.
  • Accessibility (a11y) was improved in all blocks (#1206).
  • dist build is now uses bem-xjst@next, which gives possibility to add templates in runtime.

Other changes

  • dropdown does not generate extra wrapper around switcher and popup any more (#1392).
  • Misused <i> element replaced with neutral <span> in all blocks (#1668).
  • Multiline comments in stylus files, which break source maps, replaced with singleline (#1702).