jsMonthlyCal is a javascript library to draw monthly calendar. It is a static calendar as there a no way to change month from browser.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='./jsmonthlycal.js'></script>
window.onload = function() {
var mydate = new Date();
var options = {
size: '10px',
week: {
color: 'DimGray'
jsMonthlyCal.drawCalendar('here_calendar', mydate, 4, -2 , options);
<table id="here_calendar" style="border: 1px solid; border-collapse: collapse;"></table>
- JScalendar.drawCalendar(container, date, nbtotal, nb, options)
- container {string} div container id
- date {date}
- nbtotal {number} number of month to draw
- nb {number} number of month after (positive) or before (negative)
- options {object} all options to cutomize (CSS based language)
- none