What is a code snippet? These are mini blocks of code which help me to remember and reuse parts of Infosys.
These are not "Wow" level examples. They are just ultra simple, copy paste code. But as always, I like to share.
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The views and opinions expressed in this guide are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company. Assumptions made in the analysis are not reflective of the position of any entity other than the author(s) and, since we are critically thinking human beings, these views are always subject to change, revision, and rethinking at any time. Please do not hold us to them in perpetuity.
The Golden Template code is a set of image processing steps that compares a "test image" to a "template image" and produces a score that is the sum of the number of non-zero pixels in two binary images.
This code can be useful for tasks such as image matching, object recognition, and pattern recognition.
Only code related to Golden Template is included below. For the full code example please see the TwinCAT project.
// settings
positiveThreshold : LREAL := 10;
negativeThreshold : LREAL := -10;
// variables
readTestImage: FB_VN_ReadImage;
readTemplateImage: FB_VN_ReadImage;
result : HRESULT := S_OK;
testImage : ITcVnImage;
templateImage : ITcVnImage;
testImageAsMonochrome : ITcVnImage;
templateAsMonochrome : ITcVnImage;
testImageAsMonochromeSigned16 : ITcVnImage;
templateImageAsMonochromeSigned16 : ITcVnImage;
subtractedImage : ITcVnImage;
positiveThresholdImage : ITcVnImage;
negativeThresholdImage : ITcVnImage;
positiveThresholdImageUSINT : ITcVnImage;
negativeThresholdImageUSINT : ITcVnImage;
positiveScore : ULINT;
negativeScore : ULINT;
score : ULINT;
sFilePath := 'C:\temp\quality-image.png',
ipDestImage := testImage,
bRead := TRUE,
nTimeout := T#5S
sFilePath := 'C:\temp\quality-template.png',
ipDestImage := templateImage,
bRead := TRUE,
nTimeout := T#5S
IF readTestImage.bBusy OR readTestImage.bError OR testImage = 0 THEN
IF readTemplateImage.bBusy OR readTemplateImage.bError OR templateImage = 0 THEN
result := F_VN_ConvertColorSpace(testImage,testImageAsMonochrome,TCVN_CST_RGB_TO_GRAY,result);
result := F_VN_ConvertColorSpace(templateImage,templateAsMonochrome,TCVN_CST_RGB_TO_GRAY,result);
result := F_VN_ConvertElementType(testImageAsMonochrome,testImageAsMonochromeSigned16,TCVN_ET_INT,result);
result := F_VN_ConvertElementType(templateAsMonochrome,templateImageAsMonochromeSigned16,TCVN_ET_INT,result);
result := F_VN_SubtractImages(testImageAsMonochromeSigned16,templateImageAsMonochromeSigned16,subtractedImage,result);
result := F_VN_Threshold(subtractedImage,positiveThresholdImage,positiveThreshold,255,TCVN_TT_BINARY,result);
result := F_VN_Threshold(subtractedImage,negativeThresholdImage,negativeThreshold,255,TCVN_TT_BINARY_INV,result);
result := F_VN_ConvertElementType(positiveThresholdImage,positiveThresholdImageUSINT,TCVN_ET_USINT,result);
result := F_VN_ConvertElementType(negativeThresholdImage,negativeThresholdImageUSINT,TCVN_ET_USINT,result);
result := F_VN_CountNonZeroPixels(positiveThresholdImageUSINT,positiveScore,result);
result := F_VN_CountNonZeroPixels(negativeThresholdImageUSINT,negativeScore,result);
// low score = good match, high score = bad match
score := positiveScore + negativeScore;
- TcXaeShell 3.1.4024.35
- TwinCAT Vision
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