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Zach Munro-Cape edited this page Mar 7, 2014 · 10 revisions

Git Backend Development Wiki/Guide

Gem Options

There are a number of gems that could be used. Here is a short outline of each. At one point the git gem was depreciated but now it appears that both are under active development. Reading through the Documentation of both it appears they support a majority of common git commands.



rugged is more efficient and more actively maintained. I'm sticking with the gem previously chosen. Furthermore, work has been put into the rugged gem with regard to MarkUs already.

Installing Ruby/Gems

If you installed your environment according to one of the guides on the Wiki, chances are you will be required to update your environment to support rugged.

The following are the steps taken with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS running in a Virtual Box.

###Set up rvm

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core

$ sudo apt-get install curl

$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable

Now, you may need to configure your shell to use rvm. Enter

$ type rvm | head -1

and if rvm is a function is not the output, go to Terminal Edit>Profile Preferences>Title and Command and ensure "Run command as a login shell" is selected. Try that line again and continue. MarkUs' supported versions are 1.8.7 and 1.9.2.

$ rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p320

$rvm install ruby-1.8.7-p334

Confirm that it is the current version being used.

$ rvm list

Refer to this entry if you wish to also continue development with ruby 1.8.7. sidenotes: In 1.9.2, $ require 'fastercsv' and $ require 'rubygems' will throw an error and return false, respectively. Since the update (past 1.8) they are called 'csv' and baked directly into ruby, respectively. $ require 'ruby-debug' should still return true, however.

###Git specific gem installation

Copied from this previous MarkUs dev blog post

Best to install libgit2 somewhere else from MarkUs lest you want to deal with ignoring the files on every subsequent git commit.

$ sudo apt-get install cmake

$ git clone

$ cd libgit2

$ mkdir build

$ cd build

$ cmake ..

$ cmake --build .

$ gem install rugged

$ gem install gitolite

Set up the git branch

$ git checkout git

Create a directory in /data/dev/repos called git_auth.

Update your gems and start the server.

$ bundle install

$ bundle exec rails server

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