Want to share funny cat videos on Twitter but your links are too long? Don't let that stop you from spreading joy!
TinyApp is a full stack web application built with Node and Express that allows users to shorten long URLs (à la bit.ly).
Because there can never be enough cat videos on the internet.
- Node.js
- Express
- bcrypt
- body-parser
- cookie-session
- Install all dependencies (using the
npm install
command). - Run the development web server using the
node express_server.js
command. - Go to
on your browser, enjoy!
Users must be logged in to create new links, view them, and edit them.
Just click Register on right top, put in your email and password, and you're good to go.
Either click Create a New Short Link in My URLs page, or Create New URL on navigation bar.
Then simply enter the long URL you want to shorten.
In My URLs, you can delete any link you want.
You can also click Edit, and then enter a new long URL to update your link. It will be the same short URL, but redirect to an updated long URL.
The path to use any short link is /u/:shortLink. This will redirect you to the long URL.
You can also reach this by clicking edit on a link, and using the link corresponding to the short URL.