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This TOML parser implmentation for TOM04 was created in order to build a Zephir version, starting with the Yosymfony\Toml source.

This fork is now well departed from, and is considerably faster than the original start version. The toml-zephir project is at

The few PHP TOML implementations I have seen all used array reference (array& $aref) to generate and hold place in the TOML array tree.

I chose to find out what it was like to write an extension using Zephir. Zephir is an altered and cut-down analog of PHP language. Its parser written in PHP, and it generates C source code which compiles to a PHP extension, largely by doing things with PHP objects and functions, called from C.

The PHP interpreted version of the TOML parser was written to remove the use of array references. The Zephir version uses the same code structure and strategy, the "algorithm" is the same. The same PHP objects and arrays are constructed from a TOML document file.

So there is irreducible overhead in changing the PHP interpreter machine state. Some ballpark testing on a few TOML files, demonstrates that the interpreted version on PHP 7.2, takes no more than 15% to 20% longer than the compiled Zephir extension with similar code.

Table and TableList objects

Zephir does not generate C code for Object or Array reference operators - (&). This implementation uses objects KeyTable, TableList, and ValueList.

All of these implement the Arrayable interface. Arrayable extends interfaces \ArrayAccess and \Countable.

Arrayable adds the toArray() method returns a nested PHP array representation. Arrayable adds a generic setTag and getTag, to associate any value with the object without having to extend the storage tree objects. The Toml parser generates some small PartTag objects

interface Arrayable extends \ArrayAccess, \Countable {
    public function setTag($any);   
    public function getTag();
    public function toArray(): array;

TOML parser for PHP

A PHP parser for TOML compatible with TOML v0.4.0.

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Requires PHP >= 7.1.

Use Composer to install this package:

composer require yosymfony/toml


You can parse an inline TOML string or from a file:

To parse an inline TOML string:

use Yosymfony\Toml\Toml;

$array = Toml::Parse('key = [1,2,3]');


To parse a TOML file:

$array = Toml::ParseFile('example.toml');


Additionally, methods parse and parseFile accept a second argument called resultAsObject to return the result as an object based on stdClass.

$object = Toml::Parse('key = [1,2,3]', true);


You can create a TOML string with TomlBuilder. TomlBuilder uses a fluent interface for more readable code:

    use Yosymfony\Toml\TomlBuilder;

    $tb = new TomlBuilder();

    $result = $tb->addComment('Toml file')
        ->addValue('name', "Toml", 'This is your name')
        ->addValue('newline', "This string has a \n new line character.")
        ->addValue('winPath', "C:\\Users\\nodejs\\templates")
        ->addValue('literal', '@<\i\c*\s*>') // literals starts with '@'.
        ->addValue('unicode', 'unicode character: ' . json_decode('"\u03B4"'))

        ->addValue('t', true)
        ->addValue('f', false)

        ->addValue('positive', 25, 'Comment inline.')
        ->addValue('negative', -25)

        ->addValue('positive', 25.25)
        ->addValue('negative', -25.25)

        ->addValue('datetime', new \Datetime())

        ->addComment('Related to arrays')

        ->addValue('simple', array(1,2,3))
        ->addValue('multiple', array(
            array('abc', 'def'),
            array(1.1, 1.2),
            array(true, false),
            array( new \Datetime()) ))

        ->addComment('Array of tables')

        ->addArrayTables('fruit')                            // Row
            ->addValue('name', 'apple')
                ->addValue('name', 'red delicious')
                ->addValue('name', 'granny smith')
        ->addArrayTables('fruit')                            // Row
            ->addValue('name', 'banana')
                ->addValue('name', 'platain')

        ->getTomlString();    // Generate the TOML string

The result:

#Toml file

name = "Toml" #This is your name
newline = "This string has a \n new line character."
winPath = "C:\\Users\\nodejs\\templates"
literal = '<\i\c*\s*>'
unicode = "unicode character: δ"

t = true
f = false

positive = 25 #Comment inline.
negative = -25

positive = 25.25
negative = -25.25

datetime = 2013-06-10T21:12:48Z

#Related to arrays

simple = [1, 2, 3]
multiple = [[1, 2], ["abc", "def"], [1.1, 1.2], [true, false], [2013-06-10T21:12:48Z]]

# Array of tables

    name = "apple"

        name = "red delicious"

        name = "granny smith"

    name = "banana"

    name = "platain"

Unit tests

This library requires PHPUnit >= 6.3. You can run the unit tests with the following command:

$ cd toml
$ phpunit


This library is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.