This project is part of Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree.
Data Source -
Crowdfunding has become one of the main sources of initial capital for small businesses and start-up companies that are looking to launch their first products. Websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo provide a platform for millions of creators to present their innovative ideas to the public. This is a win-win situation where creators could accumulate initial fund while the public get access to cutting-edge prototypical products that are not available in the market yet.
The dataset contain data on 379K projects started on Kickstarter between 2009-2018.
- Removed a dubplicte column usd_pledge.
- Removed unnecessary columns.
- Found the categories and sub categoris with most projects.
- Found Average Goal, Pledge Amount.
- Found Relation between Backers and USD Goal.
- Number of projects by year.
- Number of projects by country.
- State of projects.
- Total amount pledged by category.
- Number of Successful project by main category.
- Success rate of projects by year.
- Top projects with highest set goals.
- Top Successful projects.
- Distribution of USD Goal and USD Pledged.
- Average amount Pledged per Backer on each Category.
- Number of Backers per category and their success ratio.
- Project Success Ratio by country and category.
- R
- ggplot2
- dplyr
- ggthemes
- rworldmap
- knitr
- tidyr
- gridExtra
- grid
- Missing values -
- Removing columns -
- Extracting Year -
- Maps -
- Labels -
- Tidyr -
- Kable -
- Roataing text -
- Colors -