This project is going to be a DIY trail camera for my hunting blind. It will be made with a Raspberry pi Zero 2 W and the camera module is still being determined.
A PIR sensor is used to trigger the image capture via GPIO 15 and Imagemagick is used to add detail text to the image after it is taken.
Given that this device will be in the forest the WIFI will be setup in AP mode and will be standalone. I plan to use my phone to connect to the Pi and retrieve the images via SMB shares and a web page.
The code is this repo is the main Python code used to manage the camera. This is my first Python script so it will evolve as I get better ( I hope) at Python development.
The web gallery is generated by the excellent Single File PHP Gallery by Kenny Svalgaard. Here is a link to the project.
Currently the, camera.ini and the camera.log file are all in my user folder and the python file is executed by cron at boot using the following crontab entry
@reboot python3 /home/username/
More to come.