This is a repo that contains the code used to do the bioinfomatics analyses in this paper:
GLUT1 inhibition blocks growth of RB1-positive Triple Negative Breast Cancer, 2019, Wu et. al..
The script for the analyses is written in R.
These R packages need to be installed in order to run the analysis script:
- Biobase
- PharmacoGx
- ggplot2
- piano
- fgsea
- dplyr
- EnrichmentBrowser (devtools::install_github("lgeistlinger/EnrichmentBrowser")
- ggrepel
- Once the project is downloaded to the user computer, the user needs to navigate to the main directory of the project "TNBC_BAY-876-master".
- Inside the main directory, there is an R script file named "run_analysis.R". Running this script will regenerate the different bioinformatics plots used in the paper
*Important Note 1:* the user needs to set the working directory inside the script file before running it, i.e. setting the working directory to "TNBC_BAY-876-master" or double-click on TNBC_GLUT1.Rproj and it will set it automatically in RStudio
*Important Note 2:* the user needs to download all the data needed for this code to work from "" and put them inside the "data" folder of this repo. Sensitivity data can be downloaded from "" and will be made public in the figshare project once the paper is published.