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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


📗 Final Project of Web Programming II

🏥 Odonto Plus

Odonto Plus is a registration form designed for dental offices. With it, you can register, modify, view, and delete registrations.

🔍 Objective

The main objective of this project was to understand how MVC (Model View Controller) works. For this purpose, I used the PHP language to model an application for registering clients for a dental clinic. It was also possible to learn concepts about how pages are loaded and referenced on the server side.

💻 Development

  • The folder structure was divided as follows: the Model was responsible for the script to create the database through an SQL file.
  • The View folder was responsible for the visualization of the pages for editing and removing our registration. You can view scheduled appointments and register new appointments through index.php.
  • The Controller folder was responsible for data manipulation, session manipulation, and persistence in the database through the processamento.php file.
  • And the Content folder was responsible for storing style files (CSS) and images.

✔️ Concluding

This simple application manipulates forms through PHP (, persisting its data in the database, all of which can be done through an interface built with HTML, CSS, and PHP itself. It's also possible to see how organizing folders with the MVC structure can make development faster and easier.

▶️ Run the code

The PHP code needs to be executed within a server; I suggest using XAAMP (, through its installation, you can access your files, unzip this repository inside it, and access the routes through localhost. It's also important to have MySQL ( installed on your machine to run the database scripts, where the persisted data will be stored.

🙋‍♂️ Developer