Patrix is a modern, clean, and fully responsive web project built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap v5, SCSS, GLightbox, and Font Awesome icons. The project is designed with simplicity and elegance in mind, providing a seamless user experience.
Check out the live demo of Patrix HERE.
Fully responsive design
Modern and clean user interface
Smooth video popups with GLightbox
Font Awesome icons integration
Built with Vite for fast and optimized development
HTML: Markup language for creating the structure of the web page.
CSS: Stylesheet language used for describing the presentation of the web page.
JavaScript: Programming language for adding interactivity to the web page.
Bootstrap v5: Front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
SCSS: Sassy CSS, a CSS preprocessor to make writing CSS more powerful and maintainable.
GLightbox: A pure JavaScript lightbox for displaying images and videos with a smooth popup effect.
Font Awesome: Icon library and toolkit for adding icons to the web project.
Vite: A fast and optimized development build tool.