This little demo app is to show how to:
- Implement an ASP.NET Core Web API project
- Customize it with a global error handler
- Add and customize swagger
- Build a docker container
- Run it locally
- Deploy it to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- (Converted to DotNet Core 2.0.3) [Binaries are in the
Hitting Debug-Start will start the app on a randomly supplied port navigate to
To see the swagger UI page.
To dockerize the app, we supply a docker file, and a build
In this example, port 5000
is configured. To change that, you will need to search all the source code for that port and replace it, here is a list of places to change:
Visual Studio:
- .\Properties\launchSettings.json
- .\Program.cs
Docker Files:
- .\docker-compose.override.yml
- .\Dockerfile
Kubernetes Files:
- .\deployment.yaml
- .\service.yaml
Build Bash Script:
set -x
CT={your registry name}/customerapi
dotnet restore ./customerAPI.sln && dotnet publish ./customerAPI.sln -c Release -o ./obj/Docker/publish
docker build -t $CT .
docker push $CT
Run Locally on Docker for Windows:
CT={your registry name}/customerapi
winpty docker run -d -p 5000:5000 $CT --name customerapi
start http://localhost:5000/swagger
This will run it locally, and then browse to the swagger UI page
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f service.yaml
Go to your Azure subscription, find your agents external ip address, and browse to it, on your port (default: 5000) and go to the swagger page:
http://{external ip address}:{port}/swagger
Clean up:
To delete your assets from your AKS:
kubectl delete service customerapi
kubectl delete deployment customerapi-deployment
Shutdown your AKS Agent VMs when not in use to save $$$
Use the following script to make a linux image:
Then (assuming you are logged into your PCF instance, with the correct ORG and SPACE) using the Manifest.yml
Like most container systems, the app will run on its own internal port (usually 8080), but the load balancer in this case the GO Router, will map this to port 80, so you can browse to the app /swagger
on the route PCF creates for you and use the API.
Stuart Williams Cloud/DevOps Practice Lead Magenic Technologies Inc. Office of the CTO (e-mail) Blog: LinkedIn: YouTube: