$ pip install aws-parallelcluster
To configure AWS ParallelCluster, you need AWS security credentials as below. Please see this documentation (Access Keys) for detail.
- AWS Access Key ID
- AWS Secret Access Key
Then, you need to set up AWS EC2. Follow this guide (Setting Up with Amazon EC2) to set up. As a result, you get the below information.
- Amazon EC2 Key Pair, which you save to your local computer as, say,
- VPC and subnet
The default location of the AWS ParallelCluster configuration file is ~/.parallelcluster/config. The below is the configuration template for BSMN. Please update ~/.parallelcluster/config using this template with your own information of the above prerequisites.
[global] update_check = true sanity_check = true cluster_template = bsmn [aws] aws_access_key_id = #Your AWS Access Key ID aws_secret_access_key = #Your AWS Secret Access Key aws_region_name = #Your AWS region e.g. us-east-1; see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html#concepts-available-regions [cluster bsmn] key_name = #Your Amazon EC2 Key Pairs post_install = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bintriz/bsmn-aws-setup/master/post_install.sh post_install_args = "--timezone America/Chicago" master_instance_type = m5.large compute_instance_type = m5.12xlarge initial_queue_size = 0 max_queue_size = 1000 cluster_type = spot vpc_settings = public ebs_settings = bsmn-ebs efs_settings = bsmn-efs [vpc public] master_subnet_id = #Your subnet to use vpc_id = #Your VPC [ebs bsmn-ebs] volume_size = 40 [efs bsmn-efs] shared_dir = efs [aliases] ssh = ssh {CFN_USER}@{MASTER_IP} {ARGS}
Now you can create your cluster;
$ pcluster create bsmn
After the cluster finishes creating, log in with the EC2 key pair:
$ pcluster ssh bsmn -i /path/to/user-key-pair-region.pem
For more information about the AWS ParallelCluster, plase see the following docs.