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DirEve Plugin for WordPress


This plugin creates a search interface for Virtual Health Library Events Directory (DirEve) information source.


Wordpress 3.x


  1. Download the DirEve plugin for Wordpress;
  2. Unzip the plugin below the 'wp-content/plugins' folder of your Wordpress instance and rename it to direve;
  3. Activate the DirEve plugin through the administration panel of WordPress (dashboard).


Go to Settings in the administration panel (dashboard) and click on the newly created DirEVE item.

  • Plugin page is mandatory and is set to direve by default. It defines the URL of the search interface page;
  • Filter query is optional and defines the strategy (a term or expression) to act as a filter for record displaying;
  • Search form is optional and defines a flag to control the display of the search box in the DirEve homepage;
  • Disqus shortname is optional. If used, it requires a code for the integration with the associated comments service Disqus. Notice this requires previous registration within the comments service;
  • AddThis profile ID is optional and is provided to allow the integration with sharing tools services AddThis. Notice this requires previous registration within the sharing tools service;
  • Google Analytics code is optional and allows the integration of website analytics services provided by Google. Notice this requires previous registration in Google.

Configure RSS feed

To configure the RSS feed, you can also use the following parameters and filters:

  • mode - Filter by event modality. Possible values are in-person, hybrid and online
  • start_date - Filter by start date

Usage example

Filter by event modality:


Filter by start date:

https://<domain>/<plugin_slug>/events-feed?q=&filter=&start_date=+2 days
https://<domain>/<plugin_slug>/events-feed?q=&filter=&start_date=+2 weeks
https://<domain>/<plugin_slug>/events-feed?q=&filter=&start_date=+2 months

Filter by event modality and start date:


Translations of this document

Español: Instalación del Plugin DirEve para Wordpress

Português: Plugin DirEve para Wordpress