To generate Unique LNURLw withdraw links in bulk from using a csv spreadsheet. The Current LNURLw extension does not allow for creation of unique links in bulk, so this script addresses this feature.
The spreadsheet would include the following:
- Title : usually the name for the withdraw link,
- MaxSat : the number of satoshis that can be withdrawn from the link
- Uses : The maximum number of times the link can be used.
The output would be a spreadsheet containing the Titles, Unique LNURLS and Unique Sharelinks for each withdraw link. All of this output information is also visible in the lnbits admin panel.
$ git clone
$ python3 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
For example input file format, see the laisee.csv sample.
The sample output file is in the lout.csv file.
In the Output file you should get a list of share links which enable printing of QR codes Example:
Or, you can also view all of the links auto generated with their names created on the LNURLw Admin panel:
For the X-API-Key, it is the Admin key in your LNBits wallet.
To Find the Admin Key, look for it in the API panel:
To Run the script:
$ python3
Hi - This is the Unique LNURLw generator.
Be sure no extra spaces are entered below.
Please Enter your x-api-key: 08f44a___________b30a21
Enter your .CSV file name: laisee.csv
Enter your Output file name: out.csv
Okay, Processing.........
Column names are title, maxsat, uses
Title: John Smith, Max Satoshis: 10000, Number Uses: 1
==== creating link ====
Title: Erica Meyers, Max Satoshis: 15000, Number Uses: 1
==== creating link ====
Title: Leo W, Max Satoshis: 20000, Number Uses: 1
==== creating link ====
Processed 4 lines.
>>>>>>>>> Finished writing out to out.csv