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Angular Closure Compiler Test

This demo uses Google Closure Compiler for compiling Angular 4 applications.

It produces a super optimized build size which results in a fast page load.


  • Node.js 6.0.0+
  • Java SDKs (the best latest)


The npm run build command executes TypeScript compiler with RxJS library and targets es2015 that is needed by Closure Compiler.

The successful RxJS build stores the library to vendor/rxjs. A node script starts an application bundling and stores the Closure Compiler configuration in build.js.

A successful build amounts to less than 100K in size and the final gzipped build has only 32K!

We include zone.js in index.html.

Run the build

$ npm install

$ npm run build

$ npm run server # start the demo build

Build Size

Results are for basic app works! app.

-rw-r--r--  1 jan  staff    99K Mar 24 17:06 bundle.js
-rw-r--r--  1 jan  staff    32K Mar 24 17:06 bundle.js.gz