Manage Starbound assets.
Here's how you might use this package to extract a sound from the assets file:
var starbound = require('starbound-assets');
// Create an assets manager which will deal with package files etc. It
// will create a worker, which means you need to point it to where the
// worker.js file is stored.
var assets = new starbound.AssetsManager({workerPath: 'worker.js'});
// Assume file is a File object pointing to `assets/packed.pak`.
var file = ...;
// Load up the assets package and play a sound from it.
assets.addFile(file, function () {
// Welcome to the jungle!
var sound = '/sfx/environmental/jungle_day.ogg';
assets.getBlobURL(sound, function (err, url) {
var audio = new Audio();
audio.autoplay = true;
audio.src = url;