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With QuizMaker from Articulate software you can create interactive multimedia quizzes, that are engaging and fun. However, QuizMaker comes without support for data analysis after the quiz is done. Quizbaker solves this problem. Quizbaker automatically stores results from Articulate Quizmaker tests in a database.

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** Please note this project is created in ASP (classic). For the PHP version see

These are instructions to install the server side parts

Installation Instructions


For this project to work you will need

  • Windows (preferably 7)
  • Internet Information Server (included in any Win7 install)
  • MS SQL Server 2008 (free download)


We have installed all software on a Windows 7 virtual machine (Win7 Ultimate), but even at home with Windows 7 Home Premium all software can run fine.

Internet Information Server

  • Go to Control panel

  • Go to Software and features

  • Go to Turn Windows Features on or off

*Enable Internet Information Server. Make sure ASP is also selected

  • Restart PC

MS SQL Server 2008 (optional, if you use MS Access)

Setup the application

setup the website

  • This website uses plain old ASP, so you don't need any ASP.NET features. You can safely switch those off if you like.

  • Open IIS

  • Click Sites

  • Click 'add website...'

  • Give it a name and click 'OK'

  • add a line to \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts as follows

  • quizbaker

  • You can use the default application pool, as long as this is set to 'no managed code'

  • Authentication should be set to Windows Authentication. For this feature you will need to have at least Windows 7 Professional. For Home versions, you can use Anonymous Authentication. That last option does mean students need to enter their name, instead of having it automatically recorded. If you have a domain, you should have Windows 7 Pro or higher.

  • select an application pool

  • in the application pool, set 'no managed code', and 'enable 32 bit applications' (that is for the 32 bit database driver)

  • download all code from the google code project and copy it under the site.

  • go into the file /DB/config.asp and check the settings

  • set write permissions to the website folder for the anonymous IUSR account and/or the domain users

  • test the site: go to http://quizbaker

create the MSSQL database

  • Open SQL server management studio
  • Select the database server
  • download the sql script to create the database
  • run the script in a new query window

alternative: MS Access version

  • in /db/config.asp set dbtype to MS Access
  • open quizbaker.mdb
  • modify vwSummary and vwDetails and replace DOMAIN with your own domain name
  • install the MS Access driver
  • make sure the mdb file is not read-only

test a quiz

  • create a quiz using Articulate Quizmaker
  • publish in WEB format
  • copy all files of this quiz to a folder under your site (e.g. a folder named 'quiz')
  • overwrite the quiz.html with the one in the source. You can also download the networking quiz zip file to test.
  • test the quiz http://quizbaker/quiz/quiz.html


With QuizMaker from Articulate software you can create interactive multimedia quizzes, that are engaging and fun. However, QuizMaker comes without support for data analysis after the quiz is done. Quizbaker solves this problem. Quizbaker automatically stores results from Articulate Quizmaker tests in a database.






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