- psutil
- smtplib
After cloning this repo, open the script messaging.py and enter your email credentials to enable email notification
For simplicity sake, copy the folder to /usr/bin after editing messaging.py
Create a service script using the command: sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/interface.service
Add the following scripts to the file (interface.service), save and exit the nano editor using [CTRL-X], [Y] then [ENTER].:
[Unit] Description=My Script Service After=multi-user.target
[Service] Type=idle ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/interphase/interface.py > /usr/bin/interphase/logs.txt 2>&1
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Change the permission on the service file to read only using the command: sudo chmod 664 /lib/systemd/system/interface.service
Run this command to reload daemon: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the service by running this command: sudo systemctl enable interface.service
finally reboot your system by running this command: sudo reboot
Afterwards, check status of service using the command: sudo systemctl status interface.service
Author - Kingsley Biney Email - bineykingsley36@gmail.com