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Flycast Dojo 0.3 RC 4

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@blueminder blueminder released this 08 Jan 08:34
· 2636 commits to master since this release

This release fixes the reported slowdown found on HnK and KoFXI. It also runs much faster on older machines. Introduces MD5 checksum validation, so you and your opponent can verify that you have the same ROMs to mitigate desyncs.

MD5 Checksum Calculation & Validation

In order for netplay to work, both you and your opponent must have the same ROM on both computers. Players using different ROM variants can lead to desyncing. Oftentimes, verifying the validity of ROMs can be a pain, leading folks to reacquire them unnecessarily in a game of guess and check. To solve this issue, I have added built-in MD5 checksum calculation and validation to the Flycast Dojo menu.


To access this, just right click on any ROM name, and click "Calculate MD5 Checksum". A dialog will pop up showing the MD5 checksum of the selected ROM, and a button to easily copy it to the clipboard to share with your opponent.


To verify that you have the same ROM as your opponent, just copy the MD5 checksum given to you, and click the "Paste & Verify" button. If your ROMs match, you'll see a green "Verified!" by the Close button. If the hashes do not match, it will say "Mismatch." in red.


UI Changes

You can now use a simple pull-down menu by the default game filter to switch between hosting a game, joining one, or playing offline. You no longer need to fiddle around in the settings to switch modes.


Match Codes & Relays

Fightcade Dojo now features a way to play others without the need of Radmin or Fightcade, matchmaking relays! No need to sign up for any accounts or download additional software than Flycast Dojo itself. You should be able to play any games supported by Flycast, so long as you and your opponent have the same ROM.

To get around firewalls, Flycast Dojo will contact a matchmaking relay and receive a Match Code. Once your opponent enters the Match Code, a connection will be facilitated, then record of your fateful meeting is immediately wiped from the server.


The methods used by this feature should work with most consumer routers, but you may run into trouble over some cloud gaming services or corporate networks. (It is confirmed to work over Paperspace though, where I did much of my testing). In this case, you would need to adjust your firewall rules and explicitly forward ports.

From Release Candidate 1:

  • Fixed stuttering, now mutes sound on repeated frame
  • Frame timeout introduced to prevent Force Quit situation on lost connection
  • Static RNG seed
  • Increases game compatibility, making games with previously random game states deterministic across both clients
  • UDP Ping & Delay Detection on host screen
  • LAN Lobby P2P Spectating
  • Refactoring, Lobbies & Spectating transferred to asio library
  • Merged with current Flycast upstream changes

Dipswitch Updates:

  • King of Fighters XI - Free Play
  • King of Fighters Neowave - Free Play
  • Metal Slug 6 - Uncensored Blood + Free Play
  • Power Stone - Free Play
  • Dead Or Alive 2 Millennium - Free Play

From Release Candidate 2:

  • Guest player now requests repeat frame any time frame timeout exceeds delay
  • Guest always adopts host payload settings

From Release Candidate 3:

  • UI Changes
  • Match Codes & Matchmaking Relays

Dipswitch Updates:

  • The Rumble Fish 2: Volume Settings. Now in Stereo at a lower volume. Default settings were optimized to clip and blast ears.

New in Release Candidate 4:

  • MD5 Checksum Calculation/Validation in ROM menu
  • Performance Improvements (fixes slowdown on older machines)
  • Cancel buttons added to Wait screens

Dipswitch Updates:

  • The King of Fighters XI dipswitches now work with