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dkliban edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 8 revisions

Dataview as a Service

Request Method URL relative to opus/dataview Operation
GET / Home
GET/POST /dataview/ Display UI to create DataView / Create DataView
GET /dataview/all Display list of DataViews
GET/POST/DELETE /dateview/ Display UI to edit DataView with primary key / Edit DataView / Delete DataView
GET /dataview//visualization List all Visualizations for DataView with primary key
GET/POST /visualization/ Display UI to create Visualization / Create Visualization
GET/POST/DELETE /visualization/ Display UI to edit Visualization with primary key / Edit Visualization / Delete Visualization
GET /visualization//chart/ Display rendering of Visualization with primary key

Create DataView User Interface (UI)

  • Backend: Currently only suppord Microsoft Windows Azure service. TODO: Add google spreadsheet as alternative data storage backend.
  • Columns: A comma separated list. Any field that is present in your data table can be listed. The columns should be listed in the order you wish for them to appear. Each visualization type requires a specific ordering of fields (columns).
    | Visualization Type | Column order |
    | Table | You can include fields in any order you wish for them to appear. |
    | Timeseries | First column must be of type Date or DateTime. The values corresponding to each Date or DateTime can be represented in a series of three columns. Only the first of the three is required to be present. First, the numerical value. Second, annotation title. Third, annotation text. |
    | Scatter Chart | Must provide at least two column names. All fields must be numeric. First column is x axis. |
    | Map | Two types of data can be used for map visualization. * Latitude, Longitude, Description * String address,Description |
  • Query: Currently only support Azure queries. Queries should be comma separated. It is assumed that a query based on PartitionKey will return rows containing all columns listed in Columns field.

Create Visualization UI

  • Name: Human readable name to be displayed when representing a Visualization.
  • Dataview: DataView that will serve as data source for Visualization.
  • Visualization Type: Table, TimeSeries, Scatter Chart, and Map