The PyMOL macro language (pml) is used to set parameter values and execute commands to make detailed figures. The number of commands and settings required for sophisticated figures can approach 100. It is difficult to issue so many commands through PyMOL's gui without making mistakes. If the commands are not saved to an open log file or frequently saved session file (use the spse function in the file in the pymolshortcuts repository to save session files with time stamps to avoid overwriting previously saved session files), the work can be lost. Examples of figures that are impossible or tedious to make via the gui alone are shown in the image gallery below.
However, it is challenging to recall the pml syntax when you do not use PyMOL everyday, which is the case for most PyMOL users. One solution to this problem is use a library of code fragments with a text editor. Most text editors allow the user to add a library of code fragments or "snippets".
pymolsnips is a library of PyMOL macro language (pml) code fragments that have been reformatted for several popular text editors. Each code fragment has a unique name that also serves as a tab trigger. The user enters the name of the code snippet and hits the tab key to trigger the insertion of the code into the currently open pml file. The code fragments have tab stops to advance the cursor to sites of parameters to be edited. The tab stops are mirrored when the parameters are identical. The editing of one sites leads to changes in the other other sites. The tab stops ensure that all of the required edits are made on the first edit.
Some editors take snippet libraries in one file. Other editors require that each snippet resides in a separate file. Most editors have their own format. The user downloads the file or folder of files for their text editor and installs the snippets. If needed, protocols for snippet installation for each text editor are founded belowi.
- Gallery of snippets and their output
- Snippet categories
- Tutorial videos
- Installation instructions for each editor
- List of snippets by category and tab trigger names
A complete listing of the currently available snippets can be found by entering the tab trigger lsSnips. Do this at the bottom of the pml script file that you are editing to use as a reference after commenting it out with pound symbols.
- Alternate locators
- Analysis
- Change orientation
- Color scheme
- Coordinate covalent bonds
- Database function
- Electron density
- Fetch file from PDB
- File Input
- File output
- Format label
- H-bonds
- Help
- Label
- Label format
- Label placement
- Label position
- Measurement surface area
- Molecular representation
- Print coordinates of selection
- Print sequence
- Pymolrc
- Save png flle with timestamp
- Selection
- Specialized figure
- Stereo
- Unit cell display
- Water pentagon
- analysis
- help
- salt-bridge
- selection
- workshop
Return to quick links section at top
Videos that demonstrate the installation of the snippets for each editor are planned.
Select the library from above for your favorite text editor. The installation instructions are below for the following editors:
- Atom
- BBEdit
- Brackets
- CudaText
- Espresso
- Geany
- Gedit
- Kate
- Komodo Edit
- Light Table
- Micro
- Snipmate (vim, neovim)
- Sublime Text 3
- TextMate
- Ultisnips (vim, neovim)
- Visual Studio Code
- Yasnippets (emacs)
If you are considering switching editors, the most popular editors seem to be Atom, Brackets, Sublime Text3, and Visual Studio Code. You might also consider Geany. It is very lightweight, very fast, and very easily configurable. It is good editor if you care about agility.
If your favorite editor is not listed, please post an issue in the issues
pulldown menu near the top of this page and make your request.
I will be notified immediately by e-mail.
I will try to develop a snippet library for the requested editor.
Support is planned for the following editors:
Note that some editors that are available as binaries only for Windows like notepadpp can be run on Mac OS or Linux by using wine or wine bottler.
Some of these text editors can take hours to customize to fit your needs; however, you only need to know about 5% of the options to become productive with these editors.
Atom is the current darling of professional programmers because it is highly extendable and customizable.
It integrates with github.
The GUI is very attractive.
I have found that Atom's startup speed bogs down as more plugins are added.
The work-around is to always keep Atom open.
There is a very extensive collection of plugins available.
The installation and updating of plugins can take awhile.
You have to install the snippets package to be able to use the above pml snippets.
The package installer is very intuitive.
The snippets for all languages are stored in a single file that is called snippets.cson.
The file is stored in a your home directory in a hidden folder called ~.atom/snippets.cson
You can concatenate the above file of PyMOL snippets to your existing snippets.cson file.
A Pymol lexer for Atom has been developed for Atom.
You can install it via the plugin manager by selecting language-pymol package
Return to list of editors above.
BBEdit requires a license and a one-time fee.
Major upgrades require additional fees.
The snippet system is simple and elegant.
The snippets are stored as clippings with one snippet or clipping per file.
The pymol pml snippets end with the file extension *.pml
The clippings can be stored in folders by language.
Users can create nested subfolders for groups of related snippets.
The clippings are selected via the pulldown labeled C.
The folders of clippings are stored in ~/Library/Application\ Support/BBEdit/Clippings
The disadvantages include the lack of tab triggers and tab stops.
Return to list of editors above.
The development of Brackets is lead by a team at Adobe. Brackets is designed for web developers with a focus on html, css, and javascript. However, it now has support for a large number of languages. Brackets provides quick edit and live preview so changes in the html code deployed immediately in the preview.
Go to the extension manager.
Search for the brackets-snippets (by EDC)
and install it.
This is snippet manager that has a GUI that enables the manual creation of user defined snippets.
The settings
tab opens a menu with an import button.
Click on this button to import the pymolsnippets.yml file which is available above.
All of the snippets for PyMOL are in this single file.
Until the PML language is available for Brackets, we will use Python.
This means that the pml file needs a file extension of .py
while editing it in Brackets.
Return to list of editors above.
CudaText is a free, cross-platform editor that is written in Lazarus, a variant of Pascal.
It is open source.
Its predecessor is SynWrite, which is no longer supported.
There are numerous plugins available.
The plugin manager should be used to install the snippets
The documentation is located online.
CudaText depends on the presence of 32-bit Python3. On the Mac, I downloaded the 32-bit/64-bit version of Python3.7.2 from and used the installer to install the binary in about five minutes. When I started cudatext, it found this install of Python; I did not have to edit any configuration files.
The snippets are stored one per file.
The files have the extensions of .cuda-snippet.
CudaText snippets have names (description really), ids (tab triggers), and markers (tab stops).
CudaText snippets are stored in the user library on the Mac: ./Library/Application\ Support/CudaText/data/snippets/Std.PML
folder, which you may have to create.
I plan to develop a PyMOL lexer (syntax highlighter) for CudaText. In the meantime, install and use the Python lexer.
Return to list of editors above.
Espressois a proprietary test editor for the Mac. It is for those users who made a text editor that has a GUI that looks like a native Mac app. The snippets are stored in a single xml file.
Return to list of editors above.
Geany is a free and lightweight GUI-based text editor that has been under development since 2005. It is written in C and C++. Binaries are available for Mac OS, Linux, and Windows. Source code is also available. It has a plugin manager, and it is very easy to configure.
Make sure that the PyMOL filetype is defined as PyMOL=*.pml;
by going to Tools --> Configuration files --> filetype_extensions.conf
In addition, you need to edit the keybinding preferences Move cursor in snippet for under Edit --> Preferences --> Keybindings
because it is blank by default.
Without making this edit, you will not be able to advance to the second and later tab stops.
I used Shift_L, that is the left control and left shift.
The snippets for all languages are stored in groups in single file ~/.config/geany/snippets.conf
The snippets in this file can be edited by using the pulldown Tools --> Configuration files --> snippets.conf
, but it might be easier to use a text editor.
Copy and paste the contents of the above geanypymolsnippets.conf
file into the snippets.conf file.
Make sure that there is only one section with the heading [PyMOL]
The snippets are invoked with a tab trigger, and they have tab stops.
There is no mirroring of tab stops.
Enter lsSnips
to get a list of the current PyMOL snippet tab triggers.
I still need to develop a language define file to enable syntax highlighting of pml files.
Return to list of editors above.
Gedit is often available on the computers running Linux OS at national labs.
Gedit provides an uncluttered gui with access to the snippets through a pulldown gui or by a tab trigger.
The snippets are stored in a single file called pymol.xml.
This file is stored in the home directory in a hidden folder called .config.
The full path is ~.config/gedit/snippets/pymol.xml
Return to list of editors above.
Kate is a free but kde dependent text editor that is now available for Mac and Windows as well as Linux.
If installed with macports, its app resides in /Applications/macports/
The Snippet plugin has to be turned on.
The snippets are stored in a single xml file.
The storage location for this file is not in the documentation.
Try the following on Mac (one of the four) and Linux (first three):
/Users/blaine/Library/Application\ Support/kate/MySnippets/
Return to list of editors above.
Komodo Edit is a proprietary program with a Community version that can be used for free. The makers of Komodo Edit have merged with the makers of ActiveState Python. The Community version of Komodo Edit has enough features for the occassional writer of code for PyMOL.
The snippets are stored one snippet per file.
The snippets are active with files ending with pml.
The snippers are stored in a folder called PML, which has to be created.
On the Mac, the snippets are stored in /Users/blaine/Library/Application\ Support/KomodoEdit/11.1/tools/Abbreviations/PML
The snippets are treated as abbreviations that are stored in the tool box. The snippet name works as a tab trigger. The snippet file can also be selected through the GUI and a pop-up displays the option to insert a snippet. There are tab stops and highlighted default parameter values. However, there is no mirroring of tabstops at this time.
Return to list of editors above.
Light Table is a highly malleable text editor that is written in ClojureScript, a programming language for the web that is dialect of Lisp and that has a powerful macro system. Those that have dabbled in emacs will recognize the syntax of the settings in behavior files which remind me of emacs init files. Light Table is like a GUI version of emacs. It has very an attractive, uncluttered GIU.
Light Table supports previews that enable interactive editing of code to change the output. For example, code chunks for generating a plot is evaluated in-line and the plot is diplayed in an adjacent window. The plugin manager can be used to install plugins, update them, and gain access to the documentation for the plugin. This documentation is on a GitHub website.
The installation of plugins in Light Table is very fast. The number of available plugins is not as extensive as for Atom, Sublime Text, TextMate, or Visual Studio Code. You have to be prepared to do a bit of customization to get some of the plugins to work correctly.
The snippets are managed through a master file for a language
<--! . -->
This central file has the file extension edn
This file is used to set the scope (language) and call the snippets, especially ones with multiple lines and indenting, from individual files with the file extension snip.
The snippets are stored in ~/.lighttable/User/snippets
You will have to create these directories.
In bash, you can do this with the single command: mkdir -p ~/.lighttable/User/snippets
Then select from the menu in the toolbar at the top File-->Settings-->user behaviors
This will open a new window with the users.behaviors
file ready to be edited.
Paste inside the square brackets the following and change the path to your home directory:
;; absolute path to where you'd like your snippet root directory to be
[:snippets.loader :lt.plugins.snippets.loader/set-snippet-dir
Save this file.
Download the lighttablepymolsnips folder from above.
Move the contents of this folder (not the folder) to ~/.lighttable/User/snippets
There is not a pml language available yet for Light Table.
Python will have to do as the language for now.
Use .py
as your file extension while editing the file in Light Table
and then save the file with the pml extension.
Return to list of editors above.
Micro is like the nano editor but on steroids. Nonetheless, micro is easier to use than vim or emacs. It is a terminal-based editor that has a number of plugins available including one for snippets. You do have to compile it to install it. You need to have Node.js installed.
On the Mac, it is best to use it with the free terminal emulator.
Install the snippets by entering control-E
in micro to open a command panel and then enter the command plugin install snippets
All of the snippets for one language are in a single file.
The ultisnips library above should work with this editor.
Return to list of editors above.
Vim is the terminal based text editor vi on steriods. It is free. The vim keybindings for text editing are so useful that the they are available for the rival text editor emacs. A newer branch of vim called neovim is available. Either are available from software repositories like macports and fink or as stand-a-lone applications. The addition of a plugin requires the editing of startup .vimrc file.
Ultisnips is a more recent alternative to snipmate. Ultisnips requires Python. VimL does not require Python. If you choose to install VimL, you will need the snipmate library. Otherwise, you should use Ultisnips. The snippets are stored in a single file that is language specific. Return to list of editors above.
[Sublime Text 3]( is a gui-based editor. The free trial period is infinite. Sublime Text 3 starts up much faster than the other text editors for programmers. Sublime Text 3 has strong support for snippets and the autocompletion of tab triggers. The snippets are stored in separate files with the file extension `.sublime-snippet'. Return to list of editors above.On the Mac, move the folder st3pymolsnips to ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/snippets/. You may have to create the snippets subfolder. You can ignore that step and just move pymolsnips to ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/ and it should still work. Restart Sublime Text, open a PyMOL pml script file, and then enter "ao" and hit tab. Sixteen lines of code should appear. You may need to install a snippet manager package and add an autocompletion package to be able to get autocompletion of the tab triggers and a description of the snippet.
Return to list of editors above.
TextMate is now freely available but only for Mac OS. It is a mature project with occasional updates. TextMate has been a pioneer in the development of snippet libraries. TextMate snippets can be ported to Sublime Text. Each snippet is stored in a separate file with the file extension .tmSnippet. The snippets are stored in the user's Library folder. There is a large library of plugins available.
Return to list of editors above.
ultisnip Vim is the terminal based text editor vi on steriods. It is free. The vim keybindings for text editing are so useful that the they are available for the rival text editor emacs. A newer branch of vim called neovim is available. Either are available from software repositories like macports and fink or as stand-a-lone applications. The addition of a plugin requires the editing of startup .vimrc file. Ultisnips is a Plugin that manages snippets and that works with vim and neovim. It is a more recent alternative to snipmate. The snippets are stored in a single file that is language specific. Return to list of editors above.
[Visual Studio Code]( Visual Studio Code is a free editor from Microsoft. Its start-up speed is between that of Sublime Text 3 and Atom. The installation of plugins is painless. There is a website featuring the plugins that are available. You select the plugin that you are interested and hit an install button on the website to install the plugin on your local machine. The bioSyntax plugin includes a lexer for PyMOL, so it is a good idea to install this plugin. The lexer will be activated when a PyMOL Macro Language (pml) file is opened. Autocompletion of the snippet tab triggers and previews of the snippet's code are very helpful for avoiding the insertion of the wrong snippet.From the above folder vscpymolsnips, download and move the file pml.json to ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/snippets on the Mac, $HOME/APPDATA\Code\User\snippets\pml.json on Windows, and $HOME/.config/Code/User/snippets/pml.json on Linux.
Next, install the pml language file via the bioSyntax package from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace. It is free. Just hit the Install button on the webpage to install the package.
Next, edit the settings under File Preferences on Windows (Code
Preferences on MacOS) as follows:
"[pml]": {},
"files.associations": {
"*.extension": "pml"
Restart VSC. Open a pml file. You should see pml in the lower right on the bottom panel. You should also see syntax highlighting of the pml text. Type the tab trigger ao to test the installation of the snippet for the code that creates the ambient occlusion effect.
Return to list of editors above.
Like vim, emacs can be installed as a stand-a-lone application or via a software repository.
Emacs is a lifetime editor because it takes a lifetime to master it because it is so highly extensible.
There are several flavors of emacs.
Spacemacs is a version that has a less steep learning curve.
The yasnippets package is used to manage snippets.
This package is installed with a builtin package manager.
Each snippet is stored in a single file.
The files are stored in a subfolder in the hidden folder ~.eamcs.d/plugins/
in the home directory.
Return to list of editors above.
Tab trigger | Description |
hidealtloc | Hide alt loc., the alternate locator for disordered residues. |
Tab trigger | Description |
averageB | iFind the average B-value of a selection. Uses a regular list as opposed to PyMOL's stored list. Edit the selection as needed. |
findHbonds | Find hbonds around a residue. |
printBs | Print the B-factors of a residue. |
printBs2digits | Print B-values for a residue with the B's rounded off to two decimal places. |
printBspartB | Print B factors of part B of a disorderd residue. |
Tab trigger | Description |
rotate | Rotate about axis. |
rv | Return settings in a compact format on one line. |
turnAboutAxis | Turn about axis. |
Tab trigger | Description |
cblind | Eanble color blind friendly colors. |
cribbon | Color ribbon H red, strand yellow, loop green. |
volumeRamp | Volume ramp. |
Tab trigger | Description |
coordinate | Coordinate covalent bonds to metals. |
Tab trigger | Description |
lsSnips | List all snips by tab trigger and description |
Tab trigger | Description |
carvedDensity | Carved electron density map. |
fetch2FoFc | Fetch 2FoFc map. |
threeMaps | Three electron density maps. |
Tab trigger | Description |
fetchCIF | Fetch cif file. |
fetchFoFc | Fetch fofc map. |
Tab trigger | Description |
loadPDBfile | Load a pdb file in the current directory. |
Tab trigger | Description |
savePNG | Save a png file of current scene to the current directory. |
Tab trigger | Description |
labelResnResi | Label CA atom with residue name and residue number. |
labelSS | Label SS. |
oneLetter | One letter amino acid. |
Tab trigger | Description |
distance | H-bond distances. |
drawHbonds | Draw H-bonds. |
hbond | H-bond setup. |
hbonddash | H-bond dashes. |
Tab trigger | Description |
writeCommandReference2HTML | Write the command reference to html file in the present working directory. |
Tab trigger | Description |
labelCAs | Label the CA atoms with the Ala333 style format |
labelMainChain | Label the main chain atoms by resn,resi,atom name. |
labelWatersHOH | Label waters HOH. |
labelWatersW | Label waters W. |
Tab trigger | Description |
sigang | Set angle labels to display 2 decimals places |
sigdist | Set distance labels to display 2 decimals |
Tab trigger | Description |
centerpi | Center pi. |
Tab trigger | Description |
pseudolabel | Position label with pseudoatom. |
Tab trigger | Description |
ms | Measure surface area. |
Tab trigger | Description |
ao | Ambient occlussion. |
bs | Ball and stick representation. |
cspheres | Colored spheres. |
discreteCartoonColoring | Turn on discrete colors between secondary structure elements. |
doubleBond | Valence bond. |
ellipcol | Set thermal ellipsoid color. |
filledRing | Filled rings in nucleic acids. |
fog | Blur the background atoms. |
loadPDBbs | Load PDB ball-and-stick. |
loadPDBnb | Load PDB nb spheres. |
molscriptRibbon | Molscript ribbons. |
pearl | The pearl effect is made with two spheres with the outer sphere being transparent. |
puttyCartoon | Create a putty cartoon. |
ringMode | Set the ring mode to a value between 0 and 6 in cartoons of nucleic acids. |
rmwater | Remove waters from molecular object. |
saxsEnvelope | Display SAXS envelope |
sc111 | Display all symmetry mates in one unit cell. Uses in $HOME/Scripts/PyMOLscripts/. |
scaleRadiusColor | Scale the radius and color of atoms as spheres by property in the B-value column. |
setcolor | Set color name to a RGB code. |
sidehChainHelper | In cartoons, hide the backbone atoms of selected residues when showing then as sticks. |
solventRadius | Set radius of ball used to make solvent accessible surface. |
Tab trigger | Description |
getCoordinates | Get coordinates. |
Tab trigger | Description |
fasta | Print Fasta from PDB file. |
Tab trigger | Description |
antialias | Set antialias to get smooth edges |
fetchPath | Set path for location to save fetched pdb files. |
lspymolrc | Print list of active pymolrc files. |
setpath | Set additional path for PyMOL to search on startup |
sigDigits | Set number of decimals places to show in distance labels. |
Tab trigger | Description |
spng | Save png flle with timestamp |
spse | Save pse flle with timestamp |
Tab trigger | Description |
duplicateObject | Duplicate object. |
extractPartObj | Create a new object from part of an existing object. |
hideSelection | Turn off magenta squares on current selection. |
selectAllBut | Select all nitrogen atom in a selection except from lysine. |
selectAtomsAround | Select atoms within a radius around a ligand. |
selectChain | Select a chain. |
selectElement | Select atoms by element. |
selectHelices | Select atoms by alpha helices. |
selectLoops | Select atoms by beta loops. |
selectName | Select atoms by name. |
selectResi | Select residues by a range of residue id numbers separated by a colon. |
selectResidues | Select residues by name. |
selectResiduesAround | Select residues within a radius around a ligand. |
selectStrands | Select atoms by beta strands. |
undoSelection | Undo a selection. |
Tab trigger | Description |
bu | Biological unit. |
stack | Base-stacking figure. |
Tab trigger | Description |
stereoDraw | Stereo draw. |
stereoRay | Stereo ray. |
Tab trigger | Description |
sc333 | Run Tom Holder's supercell script to generate three cells in all directions. |
Tab trigger | Description |
waterTriple | triple water pentagon. |
Tab trigger | Description |
aveB4resiX | AveBResiX, prints the residue number and the average bfactor. |
Uses reduce and lambda, builtin Python functional programming functions. | |
Note that you need to convert the length of the list of Bfactors from an integer to a float before division into the sum. | |
printNameB4ResiX | Print name and b-factor for a residue. |
printResiResnNameB4ResiX | Print resn, resi, atom name, and b-factor. |
printResiResnNameB4ResiXNoH | Print name and b-factor for a residue or residue range (e.g. 81:120). The noH variant. |
Tab trigger | Description |
printDoc | Print document string of a function. |
Tab trigger | Description |
his31asp70 | Asp70-His31 salt-bridge from T4 lysozyme. |
Tab trigger | Description |
ligandSelect | Make selection of ligand atoms. |
Tab trigger | Description |
internalGUImode2 | Make the background of the internal gui transparent to expand viewport. |
internalGUIwidth | Set the width of the internal gui. |