Bring your own cluster and use these scripts to test Crossplane. These scripts are tested on MacOS to work with 'traditional' Kubernetes and KinD clusters.
Usage: ./ [arogCD admin password]
Installs argo CD, then appllies argo CD applications to the cluster that install Gatekeeper, Crossplane, and the Crossplane XRDs and Composition for an AKS cluster.
The argoCD applications include a platofrm
config that (after manual sync) installs an Azure ProviderConfig. That config requires a Kubernetes seceret per the instructions here Azure Provider Secret Config (Stopping at kubectl create secret generic azure-account-creds -n upbound-system --from-file=credentials=./crossplane-azure-provider-key.json
). Future iterations of this repo will include other cloud provider options and respective ProviderConfig instructions.
Usage: ./
Installs UXP (Downstream Upbound version of Crossplane), with Composition Revision enabled.
Usage: ./ [arogCD admin password]
Installs ArgoCD.
Usage: ./ [username] [namespace] [cluster name in kubeconfig (e.g. kind-kind)]
Creates a kube-apiserver user, grants them rights at namespace level. If namespace doesn't exits, creates namespace. Updates kube config file with context named same as username.