Converts your QGIS project into an OpenLayers 3 map.
Current version includes the following features:
Built-in preview.
Support for both raster and vector layers.
Support for WMS (if the service supports EPSG:3857).
Symbology exporting, including:
- Basic styles for points, lines and polygons (single symbol, categorized, graduated).
- SVG icons for point markers.
- Labeling.
- Transparency.
Add layers list.
Basic support for groups.
Add scale bar.
Add feature info popup for selected layers, based on a given field, on hover or on click.
Template-based, so new templates can be easily be created
Automatically minifies GeoJSON output files and removes unused attributes.
Template-based, so new templates can be easily be created
Add highlight function to highlight features when passing the mouse pointer over them.
Usage is documented here.
The generated code uses: