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This blueprint is a part of the S3 AntiVirus Setup Instructions. Please refer to that doc for the setup steps.
This blueprint deploys serverless resources automatically enable S3 AntiVirus protection for new buckets.
- CloudWatch Event Rule and Lambda Functions to handle automatically enable s3-antivirus-autoenable scanning on newly created buckets.
- CloudWatch Event Rules are regional, so you need a Rule for each region.
- Deploy this stack in the regions you want new s3 bucket to be configured for protection automatically.
- You configure the bucket event notifications to a SQS queue in any region. You should use the SQS queue created by the boltopspro/s3-antivirus blueprint.
Here's a diagram to explain what gets set up with by this blueprint:
- Add blueprint to your Gemfile
- Configure configs/s3-antivirus-autoenable values
- Deploy blueprint
Add the blueprint to your lono project's Gemfile
gem "s3-antivirus-autoenable", git: "", submodules: true
Configure the configs/s3-antivirus-autoenable/params
LONO_ENV=development lono seed s3-antivirus-autoenable
The generated files in configs/s3-antivirus-autoenable
folder look something like this:
└── params
└── development.txt
Here some example variables:
# SQS Queue can be in any region.
# Grab it from the s3-antivirus CloudFormation Console Outputs Tab
SqsArn=arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:112233445566:s3-antivirus-Queue-2L0Q$EXAMPLE # required
Let's deploy now with lono cfn deploy.
lono cfn deploy s3-antivirus-autoenable --sure
To deploy to additional regions use AWS_REGION
AWS_REGION=us-west-2 lono cfn deploy s3-antivirus-autoenable --sure
AWS_REGION=us-east-1 lono cfn deploy s3-antivirus-autoenable --sure
To deploy to all regions:
$ aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[].{Name:RegionName}" --output text | sort > /tmp/regions.txt
$ for i in $(cat /tmp/regions.txt) ; do AWS_REGION=$i lono cfn deploy s3-antivirus-autoenable --sure ; done
You can also adjust the /tmp/regions.txt
to target only the regions you wish.