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A linux like terminal for windows in C#


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A linux like terminal for windows in C# with some extras ;).

This is a simple terminal in C# based on

For SpeedTest I use this library

alt text


.NET Core 2.0

.NET Standard 2.0

.NET Framework 4.7.2

For Roslyn C# code runner usce NuGet command in Commands project:

Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp -pre


This is the full list of commands that can be used in xTerminal:

------------------------ System ------------------------
ls        -- List directories and files on a directory. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h  : Displays this message.
               -s  : Displays size of files in current directory and subdirectories.
               -c  : Counts files and directories and subdirectories from current directory.
               -cf : Counts files from current directory and subdirectories with name containing a specific text.
                     Example: ls -cf <search_text>
               -cd : Counts directories from current directory and subdirectories with name containing a specific text.
                     Example: ls -cd <search_text>
               -hl : Highlights specific files/directories with by a specific text. Ex.: ls -hl <higlighted_text>
               -o  : Saves the output to a file. Ex.: ls -o <file_to_save>
hcmd      -- Displays a list of previous commands typed in terminal. Ex.: hcmd 10 -> displays last 10 commands used. 
chistory  -- Clears the current history of commands!
start     -- Starts an application. Ex.: start C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe. Can use following parameter:
               -u : Start with different user.
clear     -- Cleares the console.
cd        -- Sets the currnet directory. (cd .. for parent directory)
odir      -- Open current directory with Windows Explorer
ps        -- Opens Windows Powershell. It can use PowerShell comands:
             Example: ps <ps_command_>
cmd       -- Opens Windows Command Prompt. It can use Command Prompt comands:
             Example: ps <cmd_commmand>
reboot    -- It force reboots the Windows OS.
shutdown  -- It force shutdown the Windows OS.
logoff    -- It force logoff current user.
bios      -- Displays BIOS information on local machine or remote. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h : Displays this message.
               -r : Displays BIOS information on a remote pc.
sinfo     -- Displays Storage devices information on local machine or remote. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h : Displays this message.
               -r : Displays Storage devices information on a remote pc.
hex       -- Display a hex dump of a file.
               -o : Saves the output to a file. Ex.: hex <file_name> -o <file_to_be_saved>

---------------------- File System ---------------------
cat       -- Displays the content of a file. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h   : Displays this message.
               -s   : Output lines containing a provided text from a file.
                      Example: cat -s <search_text> <file_search_in>
               -so  : Saves the lines containing a provided text from a file.
                      Example: cat -s <search_text> <file_search_in> <file_to_save>
               -sa  : Output lines containing a provided text from all files in current directory and subdirectories.
                      Example1: cat -sa <search_text>
                      Example2: cat -sa <search_text> <part_of_file_name> 
               -sao : Saves the lines containing a provided text from all files in current directory and subdirectories.
                      Example1: cat -sao <search_text> <file_to_save>
                      Example2: cat -sao <search_text> <part_of_file_name> <file_to_save>
               -sm  : Output lines containing a provided text from multiple fies in current directory.
                      Example: cat -sm <search_text> <file_search_in1;file_search_in2;file_search_in_n> 
               -smo : Saves the lines containing a provided text from multiple files in current directory.
                      Example: cat -smo <search_text> <file_search_in1;file_search_in2;file_search_in_n> <file_to_save>
               -lc  : Counts all the lines(without empty lines) in all files on current directory and subdirectories.
               -lfc : Counts all the lines(without empty lines) that contains a specific text in file name in current directory and subdirectories.
                      Example: cat -lfc <file_name_text>
mkdir     -- It creates a directory in the current place.
mkfile    -- It creates a file in the current place.
fcopy     -- Copies a file with CRC checksum control.  Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h  : displays this message
               -ca <destination_directory> : copy all files from current directory in a specific directory
               -ca : copy source files in same directory
frename   -- Renames a file in a specific directory(s).
fmove     -- Moves a file with CRC checksum control. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -ma <destination_directory> : moves all files from current directory in a specific directory
edit      -- Opens a file in Notepad(default). To set a new text editor you must use following command: edit set ""Path to editor""
del       -- Deletes a file or folder without recover. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h  : Displayes this message. 
               -a  : Deletes all files and directories in current directory. 
               -af : Deletes all files in current directory. 
               -ad : Deletes all directories in current directory. 
cp        -- Check file/folder permissions.
md5       -- Checks the md5 checksum of a file.

---------------------- Networking ----------------------
ifconfig  -- Display onboard Network Interface Cards configuration (Ethernet and Wireless)
ispeed    -- Checks the internet speed with Google.
icheck    -- Checks if a Domain or IP address is online.
extip     -- Displays the current external IP address.
wget      -- Download files from a specific website.
speedtest -- Makes an internet speed test based on API.
email     -- Email sender client for Microsoft (all), Yahoo, Gmail!
ping      -- Pings a IP/Hostname. Ex.: ping or ping -r 10 (for 10 replies).

---------------- C# Core Runner and Add-ons -------------
ccs       -- Compiles and runs in memory C# code directly from a file using Roslyn. Usage:
             Example 1: ccs <file_name> 
             Example 2: ccs <file_name> -p <parameter> 
!         -- Run or add custom C# code addons as a command. Use -h for additional help.
                -h     :  Displays help message.
                -p     :  Uses command with parameters.
                          Example: ! <command_name> -p <parameters>
                -add   :  Adds new code from a file and stores in Add-ons directory under xTerminal.exe
                          current directory with a command name.
                          Example: ! -add <file_name_with_code> <command_name>|<command_description>
                -del   :  Deletes an Add-on.
                          Example: ! -del <command_name>
                -list  :  Display the list of the saved add-ons with description.

-------------------- UI Customization -------------------
ui        -- Customize the PS1(Prompt String 1). Use -h for additional help.
                ::Predifined Colors: darkred, darkgreen, darkyellow, darkmagenta, darkcyan, darkgray, darkblue,
                                     red, green, yellow, white, magenta, cyan, black, gray, blue 
                ::Predifined indicators: > , ->, =>, $, >>

                -h : Displys this help message.
                -u : Enables or disables current user@machine information with a predifined color from list:
                     Example1: ui -u -c <color> :e  -- enables information with a predifined color from list.
                     Example2: ui -u -c <color> :d  -- disables information (need to specify color anyway).
                -i : Changes command indicator and sets a predifined color from list:
                     Example1: ui -i -c <color> -s <indicator>  -- sets a custom indicator from predifined list with a predifined color from list. 
                     Example2: ui -i -c <color> -s  -- sets default indicator($) with a predifined color from list. 
                -cd : Changes current directory with a predifined color from list:
                     Example1: ui -cd <color> -- sets a predifined color from list to current directory path.

------------------------ Games --------------------------
flappy    -- Play Flappy Birds in console!(Created by Phan Phu Hao
snake     -- Play Snake game in console!(Ceated by

Usage of C# Code runner and add-ons:

For both ccs command and ! -add the code must be formatted and runned using the following example:

using System;
// You can add more dependencies.

namespace Test_Code
  public class Test
     public void Main(string arg)
   	// Do the stuff.

xTerminal splits the code in following parts:

  • namespace : Takes the name of the namespace. In this case: Test_Code
  • public class : Takes the name of the class. In this case: Test
  • Main : Is defined as entry point for the code to run.

More Samples

  • Using hex command:

alt text

  • Using NeoVim in xTerminal:

alt text


A linux like terminal for windows in C#







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