This is an app that allows a user to search for cafes and coffee shops. The app will use an api to provide search results. Users will be able to sign-up for a user profile, where they can save and keep notes about their favorite cafes.
- React, Javascript, MongoDB, Mongoose, HTML, CSS, Express, bcrypt, JSON Web Tokens, Axios, Yelp API
- As a user I want to be able to search for coffee shops near me.
- As a user I want to log into a user profile and save things like my favorite coffee shops and my favorite drinks.
- As a user I want to be able to see the details of specific cafes (free wifi, brand of coffee, rating, price, etc.).
- As a user I want to be able to share my recommendations to other users.
We plan on using the Yelp API to find coffee shops through the API.
Friday - Making sure that user authentication works. Make sure API works. Aimee is a driver – everyone works on the project together to set up everything. Sunday - Make sure all of the routes are working, make sure layout of pages look nice Aimee - work on navbar Brandon - works on Profile.js Tim - works on Results.js Yasmin - works on NewUser.js Monday - Make sure forms are working, users are able to favorite, and add drinks to database Aimee and Yasmin - works on adding favorites Brandon and Tim - works on creating drinks form Tuesday - Extra day to stub out routes and forms. Start on CSS Wednesday - Everybody work on CSS on their own respective pages
- Be able to search up cafe shops based on location and/or business name
- Mark cafe shops as visited or not
- Leave favorite drink comments on cafes
- Have user authenticate and login
- Have user be able to logout
- Adding a map feature and using MapBox API
- Have other users see how many times a cafe has been saved/favorited