I'm a System engineer who is passionate about making open-source more accessible, creating technology to elevate people, and building community. Some technologies I enjoy working with include Angular,Vue and Go language.
func main() {
name := "Brandon Bermudez"
otherAlias := "Full Stack Developer"
codesIn := []string{"GO","Typescript","HTML","CSS","Rust"}
currentlylearning := []string{"Mongo","Python","Svelte","Gridsome","Event Driven"}
toolsUsing := []string{"Vue", "go-chi", "fasthttp", "Angular", "Sass", "Heroku", "Bulma", "Nestjs", "Postgresql", "Figma"}
experiences := nil //coming soon
personalProjects := true
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrandonBermdez5
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-alberto-bermudez-morales-488874173/