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A character creator on Java CLI as an example on Java Fundamentals.

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Character Creator on CLI using Java



Create your own character on the CLI. Give your character a name, choose from the various character classes available, and do some actions!

This program is an example on some Java Fundamentals. This includes Basic Syntax, Variables, Data Types, Conditional Statements, Loops, Classes, Methods, and OOP Concepts.

Character Job Classes

When creating your character, you can choose from three (3) different character classes:

  • Saber
  • Paladin
  • Archer
  • Hunter

Job Classes Information

Jobless Class

All character job classes are based off the Jobless class. However, you cannot assign a character the Jobless class. It simply serves as a template for its subclasses.

Each job class requires a name and an age for you character. Every character class comes with these methods:

  • introduce(): Prints a short sentence stating their name.
  • greeting(): Prints a short greeting depending on the character's class.
  • getName(): Returns the name of the character.
  • getAge(): Returns the age of the character.

Weapon Interfaces

All subclasses of Jobless implements one or more of the three (3) available interfaces.

Each interface grants classes access to methods unique to each interface. Some classes implements more than one interface.

  • Sword: Grants the class the Slash() method for its "Attack" action.
  • Shield: Grants the class the Block() method for its "Guard" action. Classes that do not have a shield are unable to utilize the "Guard" action.
  • Gun: Grants the class the Shoot() method for its "Attack" action.

Note: Current implementation only outputs a line stating the action done.

The Different (Sub)Classes

There are four (4) job classes to choose from:

  • Saber: Fights at close-range. Wield the Sword interface granting it access to the Slash() method.
  • Paladin: The tank. Wields both the Sword and Shield interfaces, allowing it to both attack with the Slash() method, and guard with Block() method.
  • Archer: A long-range unit. Unlike its name, this class wields the Gun interface allowing it to attack with the Shoot() method.
  • Hunter: The one with the most offensive options. Wields both the Sword and Gun interfaces, giving it two (2) attack options: Slash() and Shoot().

The Actions

After character creation, you can make your character perform six (6) actions:

  • Introduce: Your character introduces themselves, stating their name.
  • Greet: Your character gives a short greeting. (Based on the class.)
  • Attack: Your character does an attack! (Based on the class.)
  • Block: Your character blocks an attack. (Only Paladins can do this.)
  • Info: Your character's information. It shows their name, age, and jobClass
  • Leave: End the program.


To run the program, the following should be first installed:


How to Use the Program

  1. Install the requirements specified above.
  2. Clone or download this repository.
  3. Open this project in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or Ultimate.
  4. Run the program.
  5. You will be asked in the beginning if you want to create a character. Typing "Yes" will make you go through with the character creation. Typing "No" or anything else ends the program.
  6. You will be asked for your character's name and age. Input your character's name and age.
  7. You will be asked to pick a job class for your character. Select from Saber, Paladin, Archer, and Hunter. Typing any other option results at the program ending and needing to be run again.
  8. Your character creation is now finished! You can now select from six (6) actions.
  9. Input the action you want your character to do. You will be able to do as many actions as you want.
  10. If you want to end the program, choose the "Goodbye" option in the action list.

Future Implementations

  • Implement Picocli
  • Add Character Inventory using ArrayList
  • More Classes!
