This responsive web app uses the MovieDateApi to fetch the movies, cities and tickets per user. A user can login only with his/her user and save a ticket, then can check all the tickets saved on "tickets section".
To install the project follow these instructions:
- Click on code and clone with SSH
- Go to wherever you want to store the game
- Open your terminal and type git init and enter
- Then type git clone -paste the link copied- and enter
- Finally open the project with your IDE (e.g: Visual Studio Code)
- Open the terminal from that project
- Run 'npm start'
- Node.js
- React
- React-DOM
- React-Create-App
- Redux
- npm
- ES6
- Implement transitions to make user experience better
- Implement locations and snacks page
👤 Brenda Yucra
- Github: @bren2102
- Twitter: @BrendaYucra2
- Linkedin: Brenda Yucra
- Design: Vespa-Responsive Redesign
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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