This software adds true-negative SVs to a truth-set. The true-negatives should be drawn from a real set.
In short you can use like this:
chmod +x ./tnsv
./tnsv sv-truth-set.vcf.gz \
population-sv-calls.vcf.gz \
| bcftools sort -O z -o HG002_SVS.with-gnomad-TN.vcf.gz
And many non-overlapping hom-ref (genotype 0/0) calls will be added to the truth-set (in this case, the output is HG002_SVS.with-gnomad-TN.vcf.gz
These calls will be in realistic locations (compared to random locations).
See below for links to some possible population call-sets.
This is a basic, known data-science problem, but it can still catch even seasoned analysts and it's especially easy to hit this problem in genomics.
Given a truth-set like the Genome in a Bottle SV set we can evaluate methods for SV detection and filtering.
In examples/svfilter.nim
I have built a sophisticated classifier that will evaluate a set of SVs
and randomly retain (classify as valid) 96% of variants.
This method is able to achieve:
- 96% recall
- 82% precision
on the actual HG002 SV truth set.
recall is (true-positives / (true-positives + false-negatives)), since we classify 96% of variants as true, then our recall must be 96%.
precision is (true-positives / (true-positives + false-positives)). So why is precision so high?
We have: 10757
negative variants and 48606
positive variants. Since the classifier is randomly choosing support
or not, then we can expect the precision is: 48606 / (48606 + 10757)
which gives us the 82%.
In short, because there are so few negatives, a random classifier (with a bias toward the positives) will appear to have decent or even great performance.
One way to make it harder to miss this problem is to add many true-negative variants. Instead of doing this randomly, we add true variants from a given population or database set.
Only population variants that are not within dist
bases (default 100) of a variant in the truth-set are added.
This ensures that the added variants are realistic (not random locations).
For example, to add gnomad-sv calls to the Genome in a bottle truth set, use:
# tnsv $truthset $populationset > $augmented_truth_set
tnsv HG002_SVs_Tier1_v0.6.vcf.gz \
nstd166.GRCh37.variant_call.vcf.gz \
| bcftools sort -O z -o HG002_SVS.with-gnomad-TN.vcf.gz
Now we can re-try our random classifer with the following results:
- 96% Recall (which must be the case)
- 15% Precision (down from 82% on the original truth-set)
With this, we have a such a low precision that we should note that something is wrong.
will do simple re-mapping of chromosomes to match the truth-set so that e.g. '22' in the population set can become 'chr22'
if 'chr22' is present in the truth-set.